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heres another lucky one

edited July 2017 in The Poker Clinic
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexxSmall blind £0.10£0.10£23.01yyBig blind £0.20£0.30£3.51rayazSit out     Your hole cardsA9   MrBlitCall £0.20£0.50£3.45weecheez1Call £0.20£0.70£4.49xxCall £0.10£0.80£22.91yyCheck    Flop  999   xxBet £0.40£1.20£22.51yyCall £0.40£1.60£3.11MrBlitCall £0.40£2.00£3.05weecheez1Call £0.40£2.40£4.09Turn  10   xxBet £0.20£2.60£22.31yyCall £0.20£2.80£2.91MrBlitFold    weecheez1Call £0.20£3.00£3.89River  5   xxBet £0.60£3.60£21.71yyCall £0.60£4.20£2.31weecheez1All-in £3.89£8.09£0.00xxCall £3.29£11.38£18.42yyAll-in £2.31£13.69£0.00xxShow22   yyShowQ6   weecheez1ShowA9   weecheez1WinFour 9s£13.00 £13.00


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