Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
I must admit this post is partly an apology in general, but also something positive I wanted to say.
I've never been a rigged poker poster/believer, but I can be rather moany about things in general when it's going badly (as we all know it can do). However, I've spent a fair time recently going over some different Poker sites (including Sky) and come to the conclusion that this place really does deserve some good credit in comparison to others I know of.
I like the fact that I can play here in a place that is independent (rather than a network). I like Sky as a brand behind that too, in comparison to other supposedly trustworthy virtual creations that exist in poker world. I appreciate the rewards structures put in place (though still find the freeroll times inconvenient there). I find the software and general play very good to be using day to day. Issues like moving money are simple and secure (not always case elsewhere I know). Customer service is one of the best, and even this very forum reflects a recognition of it's players not done elsewhere.
All in all, we all moan about bad luck/variance from time to time, but I have to admit this place has been one of the best places I've found to play from the many sites I've used (and at times moaned about......

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OK, we get it. You don't like people posting in support of Sky Poker in the Sky Poker forum.