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Cash tables removed at 4p/8p and 20p/40p
We have removed cash game tables at stakes of 4p/8p and 20p/40p. These are the least popular stakes as and we believe this will help liquidity at similar stakes as well as decluttering the lobby.
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Like someone posted above it is a big jump from NL30 to NL50.
Keep the constructive feedback coming please, & remember, this is a trial move, as Sam explained above.
8nl & 40nl are great transitional levels. Are you sure about 8nl? Always action at that level. As smart goat says, the tables filled up quickly, also at whatever time I played. Also is a big jump from 4nl to 10nl as it is from 30nl to 50nl.
Not a great move IMO.
'hey guys, yh, guess what? Sky offer these 40nl games. usually about 2 running @ prime time. think I might make the move from stars'
'WOW 40nl?!?!? NO WAY'
From that I extract popularity clearly being the prominent reason, and that only makes sense too because if only the decluttering was an issue then spin-up games would be removed. He mentioned three things: popularity, liquidity and cluttering. A lack of popularity leads to unnecessary cluttering which disrupts liquidity. But of course everything is open to interpretation.
Correct, he didn't say anything about 60nl. I didn't say he mentioned 60nl. I'm simply saying that one of his main defenses of 40nl games is that the player base will drop off to 30nl rather than to 50nl, i.e. he's saying an intermediate stake pulls players from the lower stake while not touching the higher stake, so Sky should keep intermediate stakes because if players are either going to play 40nl or 30nl, well, you'd rather them play 40nl. If this were true then introducing a 60nl game should work by the same principle, i.e. it should attract players from the 50nl player base, which is great right since it's a higher stake, while leaving the 100nl game untouched. I doubt this is how it works like I mentioned in my post, but that was one of his main defenses.
And then to para '40nl is the natural progression from 30nl" really? so again, you want 60nl? 80nl? And then his final point regarding spin-up games I think I mentioned in my earlier post.
Hope this clears things a little.
While you are at it, why not get rid of 10p/20p and 15p/30p and replace with 10p/25p.
Thanks for the reply.
At the end of the day, it's the people who play these tables who really should have an input on whether sky keep them or not, and with the greatest of respect I haven't seen you at nl40 for years. I appreciate you are trying to give a balanced view, but I genuinely think sky poker is on the decline in terms of player numbers and liquidity these days. Even I have been flirting with other sites over the last few months.
I suppose this is why we'll have to agree to disagree.
Do they have 40nl games?