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Constructive comments

edited July 2017 in Poker Chat
20:17 harry18110 has won 5,458 chips with Two Pairs, Jacks and 5s JsJc5s5dQh
Sky Poker: harry18110 has knocked out jaguar32, collecting a Head Prize of £7.50. harry18110's head value is now £12.50.
jaguar32 has finished
Beginning a new hand (1,179,502,214)
jaguar32: u fu ckin p rick !! u call a raise with 5 j??
harry18110 has won 1,920 chips with Two Pairs, Jacks and 8s JsJc8d8hKs
harry18110: think i did yeah
Beginning a new hand (1,179,502,526)
20:18 jaguar32: what a f kn knob
jaguar32: great player u are
harry18110: thats not very nice
greg131420 has won 440 chips
Beginning a new hand (1,179,502,857)
Haydenx37 has won 540 chips
Beginning a new hand (1,179,503,102)
20:19 jaguar32: how do u expect to win a tourny playing hands like that?? hav a look at last nite see where i came!! you wont be anywhere near the money
jaguar32: kn ob!!!

Nice and friendly poker!! Seriously though was sat with my daughter whilst this was going on. Yes I did play the hand abysmally but surely we can be civil?


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