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Right or wrong play?.

 Playin the SPT gold freeroll last night was sittin 5th out of 7 with top 5 qualifing for the SPT, was this the right play or should I have folded and waited for a premium and try and dour it out ?.

safc71 Small blind   3000.00 3000.00 8880.00
kent20155 Big blind   6000.00 9000.00 49346.00
  Your hole cards
  • A
  • 9
Liammartin Fold        
rabdeniro All-in   26850.00 35850.00 0.00
safc71 Fold        
kent20155 Call   20850.00 56700.00 28496.00
kent20155 Show
  • A
  • A
rabdeniro Show
  • A
  • 9
  • Q
  • 5
  • 5
  • 9
  • J
kent20155 Win Two Pairs, Aces and 5s 56700.00   85196.00


  • Options
    edited July 2017
    4 handed with 4.5 bb stact A9s is a pretty easy shove. 

    The only thing that might stop me is if the players sitting 6th and 7th are really low. We can see safc started the hand with less than 2 bigs so will probably push this hand (if you dont shove), what stack size did the other shorty have?
  • Options
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Right or wrong play?.:
    4 handed with 4.5 bb stact A9s is a pretty easy shove.  The only thing that might stop me is if the players sitting 6th and 7th are really low. We can see safc started the hand with less than 2 bigs so will probably push this hand (if you dont shove), what stack size did the other shorty have?
    Posted by jdsallstar
    From memory next lowest had roughly 24,000.
  • Options
    edited July 2017
    Pretty standard shove then for me.
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