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Omaha BLUFF, was i right to fold?

edited February 2010 in Omaha
AEMF1873 Small blind  £0.25 £0.25 £40.57
Big blind  £0.50 £0.75 £114.21
  Your hole cards
  • Q
  • 9
  • 7
  • 6
Bradnock Call  £0.50 £1.25 £94.38
AEMF1873 Fold     
  • 4
  • J
  • 9
Bradnock Check     
  • 7
Bet  £1.25 £2.50 £112.96
Bradnock Call  £1.25 £3.75 £93.13
  • 9
Bet  £3.75 £7.50 £109.21
Bradnock Raise  £15.00 £22.50 £78.13
Raise  £45.00 £67.50 £64.21
Bradnock Fold     
  • 3
  • 2
  • A
  • Q
Win  £65.82  £130.03
Just though i would share this excellent bluff....which i fell for.

My opponent was playing very aggressively, and something did not seem right with how slow the hand was played.......

Am i wrong to fold here, or do you think the RR on the River is usually representing Nuts/2nd Nuts?

It took me around 9/10 of the timebank to decide i was done, was delighted he turned over his bluff.



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    edited February 2010
    This is a tricky one for me.
    You're losing to JJ and J9 only.
    There's no pre-flop raise so he could have any 4 cards although, obviously, a pre-flop raise wouldn't preclude him from having those cards, anyway.

    If he had those holdings he's playing them pretty trickily on the flop but it's not inconceivable that he might do this.
    Against a really aggressive opponent I think that I call but I'm a station.

    With a hand like JJ, I might check the flop here in his position. It's a draw heavy board and he might be trying to set up a big pot by hoping that you make a big hand and he makes his house.

    So, it's a question of how often you think he bluffs (or over-values a smaller full house). In PLO, you're generally going to get reasonable pot odds to call and find out if he's bluffing but his 3-bet on the river looks very strong so I can't criticise you for folding.
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    edited February 2010
      For me pretty much everything about this hand is wrong. Preflop no raising is fine but after that it all goes pear shaped.
     Your opponent has hit the flop about as hard as he could have hoped having the nut flush draw. He should have bet this to build the pot up in case he hit.Also hands that would bet this flop are JJ J9 8T TQ and also wrap draws. With that said it was checked which means that you can start to eliminate possible holdings.
     The turn card is not that great for you because although it gives you 2 pair it also may have completed draws. The bet by your opponent is one of 2 things either repping a hand like J7 77 or 8T, or trying to push you off because you showed weakness on the flop.
     The rivercard is great for you giving you the 3rd nuts.The question you need to ask yourself is,If you were willing to fold to a reraise why did you raise it in the first place?You gave your opponent the chance to bluff you off the pot with the raise, and remember you did have showdown value on the river so the flat call was a much better option than raise/fold.

     Looking at the betting pattern down the streets then it clearly said that your opponent did not have JJ or J9 because you would not check whilst in front and bet when you could be drawing very thin.So for me the river should have been either a flat call if you werent sure or a 4bet shove.Since you are beating every hand that he has represented then i would certainly go with the latter.

      Just remember that you have put in £17 of your £95 stack to chase a draw only to fold after hitting it

    This is of course only my opinion and i am sure that others will argue with it.
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    edited February 2010

    It was more of a reaction to just how i had seen the hand pan out, this was the first time the opponent put me to test and i failed.

    Did not imagine him to be betting with air, and i couldnt make myself believe he had missed with any kind of missed wraps like QT86(EDIT -Note-this would of given X a striaght not a total miss) and so on, he played it well in my opinion picked me off quite well.

    On reflection £30 call would of been the correct call, but if he had not showed his hand i would of thought my FH was beaten guess when you gather all the information after an event its easier to see what would of been the correct play.

    It was hard to gather information down the streets as the bets were weak and if he did hold JJ/J9 he was not trying to protect them from outdraws so maybe i should of clicked the lack of betting was still a drawing hand rather than set.

    Think these 3-bet calls/RR become difficult when you do not hold the Nuts/2nd as how often is your opponent going to be sitting with the bigger hand.

    Cheers Mere/Talon

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    edited February 2010
    i would definetly call.
    i hate when u make a riase hoping to extract more chips and  then they go over the top!! you are suddenly put on red alert, but i couldn't fold there tbh.
    especially if u say he was agressive, i think he would raise pre with JJ in hand, therefore only one hand beating you, so i would call, but if he did have the nuts, amazing fold!!
    overall...ul lol
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