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Prio Freeroll

edited July 2017 in Poker Chat
Is this tonight or have a I already missed it as I tend to do?



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    edited July 2017

    Hi Danny,

    Sorry mate, too late this month, they were 9th & 16th July I believe.

    Make a Diary note now - the next ones are August 15th & August 22nd, see HERE

    How are things going - you still getting the lot? 
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Prio Freeroll:
    Hi Danny, Sorry mate, too late this month, they were 9th & 16th July I believe. Make a Diary note now - the next ones are August 15th & August 22nd, see HERE How are things going - you still getting the lot?  
    Posted by Tikay10

    I think I have only ever played two in all my time here I miss them every time! - Alarm set on phone to remind me!

    Im doing okay thanks - Playing much more omaha cash recently whilst waiting for heads up action and my win rate is considerably higher so a switch may be on the cards soon!

    Im looking forward to the SPT I have booked a hotel for myself and the girlfriend so if I get knocked out we can check out manchester so its a win win.

    Just need to hope it has not sold out when I get there! I may try and give them a call to see if I can pre register over the phone....

    If I see you there il get you a drink!

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