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Duplicate tabke

edited July 2017 in Chat with Channing
Hi just paid into the bounty hunter game and its not allowing me on saying there's already a game open when there is not can you help ?


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    edited July 2017


    Hi Sam,

    Sorry to hear you had a problem last night.

    Mr Channing can't really help with this sort of thing. For future reference, & to ensure you get a prompt answer, EITHER post your question in Poker Chat -
    HERE - or contact Customer Care. In both cases, that should get you a reasonably quick answer & resolution of the problem.

    Did you eventually get sorted last night?
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    edited July 2017

     Sorry to hear you had a problem Sam, good job Tikay nipped in though...I really wouldn't have a clue what to do there, might have suggested turning it off and on again.

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    edited July 2017
    Would the op be playing on an iPad or similar? Can only play one table at a time with these devices.
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