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KK facing 4bet 150bb deep???

edited August 2017 in Tournament Strategy
Hi guys, couple of spots - the more thoughts the merrier thanks :)

1) Last night's main, can't remember the exact stack depths but it's in first couple of levels and villain has us covered by 1 chip or something. Villain opens to 4bb, we have KK and 3bet quite big to try start reducing the massive spr. Villain 4bets half his stack. We...?????????
No notes on villain. Anyone folding this? Or are we always "LOL KK"? 150bb is a lot of cheddar

2) The Sheriff has a pretty fun bubble because usually 6 paid so ft bubble and min cash bubble are rolled into one. Been playing around with HRC but it doesn't model bounties.
Let's say we're on the direct bubble with 7 left. Other table has 40bb, 40bb, 20bb and our table has 30bb, 12bb, 25bb, and we have 32bb. C/O folds, BTN shoves 12bb, SB (good reg) shoves 25bb, we're BB with 32bb. What should our calling range look like?? ICM is massive in this situation but two bounties are up for grabs and let's assume the two bounties combined are worth slightly more than 6th place.

Cheers guys


  • Options
    edited July 2017
    1.) I never fold kk pre in any situation ever including buble of wsop final table or 1 drop cash bubble.... I dont believe there is a player in the world good enough to fold kk correctly enough to make it a +EV long term fold. If we roll it up into 1 giant vaccum of kk all in pre folding is always terrible. FWIW I would be getting it in lighter than kk also, the leverage I can use getting a big chip stack early is much more important than going out early levels every now and then.

    2.) Depends a lot on the payout structure which on sky is usually top 2 heavy. I would roughly be calling jj+ AQs+ If I lose against a bigger hand it is what it is - If I get sucked out on it is what it is - If we take a 70bb stack to the FT I then relentlessly exploit the 2 x 40bb stacks - The fact the button is a good reg makes his range 22+ 89s+ would be the correct shoving range
    If the sb knows this he is probably calling A10+ and 77+ which makes a range of jj+ and AQ+ strong even three way
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    edited July 2017
    Hand 1
    I am not folding readless, if he has AA then fine. 

    Hand 2
    Range above looks about right. If we lose then we are struggling, if we had say 10bb more then you can argue to gamble a bit more. 
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    edited August 2017
    Thanks guys much appreciated!
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