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SPT Vlog

edited August 2017 in Poker Chat
Hey folks,

As you may have seen (me bang on loadsss about) on my diary, I set up a Youtube channel a few weeks ago and the other night someone suggested I do a bit of a Vlog around the SPT and stick it on my channel. Basically I just wanna know if there would be any interest in either taking part of watching something like that.

I'd probably need a few people who weren't uber camera shy AND have at least some interest in computer games so I can keep in semi on topic of my channel while still including some pokerz. Might just be a case of asking people what their fav game is or whatever, nothing heavy.

Here is my channel fwiw:

What do you think anyway, terrible idea or has it got legs?

Either way, really looking forward to seeing everyone again, it feels like forever since the last Sky live event.


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    edited July 2017
    In Response to SPT Vlog:
    Hey folks, As you may have seen (me bang on loadsss about) on my diary, I set up a Youtube channel a few weeks ago and the other night someone suggested I do a bit of a Vlog around the SPT and stick it on my channel. Basically I just wanna know if there would be any interest in either taking part of watching something like that. I'd probably need a few people who weren't uber camera shy AND have at least some interest in computer games so I can keep in semi on topic of my channel while still including some pokerz. Might just be a case of asking people what their fav game is or whatever, nothing heavy. Here is my channel fwiw: What do you think anyway, terrible idea or has it got legs? Either way, really looking forward to seeing everyone again, it feels like forever since the last Sky live event.
    Posted by Lambert180

    Terrible idea.  Whoever came up with it thinks it has legs but if there are legs, they are short.

    Hi Matt.

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    edited July 2017
    FWIW I'd prob get involved in some kind of way.  But i'm not going so...

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    FWIW I'd prob get involved in some kind of way.  But i'm not going so...
    Posted by gazza127
    Lol cheers Gaz, that's helpful. I'll see if I can get you in via live uplink ;)
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    edited July 2017
    I'd be up for it - I game a bit and play poker! Sounds like fun

    I'm hoping to buy in direct on the saturday
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    I'd be up for it - I game a bit and play poker! Sounds like fun I'm hoping to buy in direct on the saturday
    Posted by Itsover4u
    Me too, so gonna try and get there nice and early! Gonna be a bit of a waste of a hotel room if I can't get a seat
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    edited July 2017
    Good idea. I would be happy to take part although the gaming questions would really need to be along the lines of "what is your favourite game". Even then it will probably be answers weighted towards things like Mario Bros lolz.
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    Good idea. I would be happy to take part although the gaming questions would really need to be along the lines of "what is your favourite game". Even then it will probably be answers weighted towards things like Mario Bros lolz.
    Posted by markycash
    Alright cool, absolutely nothing wrong with that (Mario Bros), I'm much more of an old school gamer myself. The vast majority of the stuff on my Youtube channel is gonna be old NES games, old SNES games, old PC games etc. That's my thing, I'm not really in to just chasing whatever the next 'cool' game is, I'll just play what I want and hope there's some people out there that wanna see it :D
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    Good idea. I would be happy to take part although the gaming questions would really need to be along the lines of "what is your favourite game". Even then it will probably be answers weighted towards things like Mario Bros lolz.
    Posted by markycash
       You may also need an interpreter who is fluent in both Scottish and Norwegian.
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    edited July 2017

    Good luck with this Paul.

    Please be aware of the very strict rules as to filming in a Licenced Casino - probably best to check with the Cardroom Manager first. If patrons can be seen Gaming in the background that would NOT be permissible.

    Also, please do not film whilst at the table.
    Not trying to be a wet blanket here, just making you aware.

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog :    You may also need an interpreter who is fluent in both Scottish and Norwegian.
    Posted by pomfrittes

    100% WILL.

    Whilst in Vegas with Markycash, I found it best just to nod politely. Much easier than keep saying "eh?", "do what?" & the like. It is just as indecipherable 2nd & 3rd time round as originally, too.  
  • Options
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    Good luck with this Paul. Please be aware of the very strict rules as to filming in a Licenced Casino - probably best to check with the Cardroom Manager first. If patrons can be seen Gaming in the background that would NOT be permissible. Also, please do not film whilst at the table.   Not trying to be a wet blanket here, just making you aware. Thanks.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Cheers for the pointers Tikay, I was just chatting with Emma actually about how I best phone the cardroom manager and see what he thinks about it all. One thing is for sure though, I definitely wouldn't be filming anything at the table, would be more about having a little chat at the bar with the bust outs (no bad beat stories tho!)

    This is all dependent on my own rungood too I guess, if I go and smash it up and make day 2 hen I probably won't have a huge amount of time on Saturday to do it. We'll have to see I guess.
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog : Cheers for the pointers Tikay, I was just chatting with Emma actually about how I best phone the cardroom manager and see what he thinks about it all. One thing is for sure though, I definitely wouldn't be filming anything at the table, would be more about having a little chat at the bar with the bust outs (no bad beat stories tho!) This is all dependent on my own rungood too I guess, if I go and smash it up and make day 2 hen I probably won't have a huge amount of time on Saturday to do it. We'll have to see I guess.
    Posted by Lambert180
    That'd be the best course of action imo Paul.
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    edited July 2017
    I used to play crash bandicoot. I was above average. 
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog : May? 100% WILL. Whilst in Vegas with Markycash, I found it best just to nod politely. Much easier than keep saying "eh?", "do what?" & the like. It is just as indecipherable 2nd & 3rd time round as originally, too.    
    Posted by Tikay10
    Lies, all lies, I tell ya!

    If you think I am bad... I would pay good money to see Tikay at the Riverboat or Alea in 'Glesga'.

    SPT - Glasgow anyone?
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    SPT - Glasgow anyone?
    Posted by markycash
    Funny you should mention that, because for some reason I had it in my head thats where the next stop was going to be :) .
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    edited July 2017
    SPT did visit Glasgow, I think it was The Alea near Kingston Bridge?
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    edited July 2017
    Regarding the OP.......

    I think Hhy would have some interesting insights (he is a big gaming fan) but really he has a face for radio, perhaps you could pixilate him?
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    Regarding the OP....... I think Hhy would have some interesting insights (he is a big gaming fan) but really he has a face for radio, perhaps you could pixilate him?
    Posted by HENDRIK62

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    edited July 2017
    Sounds great Paul. I wont be there but I'd definately be interested in watching this.

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    I used to play crash bandicoot. I was above average. 
    Posted by percival09
    Yo Percy, long time no speak! You actually gonna venture up to Manchester for the SPT tho?
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    Regarding the OP....... I think Hhy would have some interesting insights (he is a big gaming fan) but really he has a face for radio, perhaps you could pixilate him?
    Posted by HENDRIK62
    Didnt know he was a big gamer. Think I saw him say he's only able to pop down for a few drinks on the Friday though and I'm only gonna be there Saturday (and hopefully a lot of Sunday). I could be wrong tho.

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    Sounds great Paul. I wont be there but I'd definately be interested in watching this. Ger
    Posted by gerardirl
    Ok cool, I have no idea what form it will take tbh or if it'll happen...

    Just called the cardroom (stupidly) cos obviously he's not there cos there's no poker going on at 1:30pm so gotta phone back about 7pm and then I can find out if I'm allowed to record etc.
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    edited July 2017
    Like your games video there, think my son is gonna love it will let him see it later. He loves mario.

    Appreciate the effort you put in making those videos Paul.

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    Like your games video there, think my son is gonna love it will let him see it later. He loves mario. Appreciate the effort you put in making those videos Paul. Ger
    Posted by gerardirl
    Thanks, glad you like them. The popular ones seem to be those Tricky Trials where viewers challenge me to complete really hard bits of games or really hard bosses and I do a quick video showing how. Got one of those coming up soon of a Sonic level that people seem to think is really hard
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    edited July 2017
    Watched a vid. Have a Q: are you reading your introduction from a screen? I'm guessing not, it just looks like your eyes are fixated on a spot that's not quite the camera. It looks quite strange/robotic/planned - try loosening that up a little imo
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    Watched a vid. Have a Q: are you reading your introduction from a screen? I'm guessing not, it just looks like your eyes are fixated on a spot that's not quite the camera. It looks quite strange/robotic/planned - try loosening that up a little imo
    Posted by percival09
    Cheers Mr P, and yeah I don't read from a screen or any script or anything. Emma's pointed out the same thing as you, it's cos there is a view finder on the camera (that faces me) when I'm recording so I can see myself, so I'm loooking slightly above the lens (at the view finder) instead of into the camera, I keep trying to stop it.

    The stiffness I think largely comes from still being a bit nervous so I'm focussing on not f*ing up and so can be a bit robotic at times, like sometimes I revert to my 'telephone voice' and lose a bit of my scouse accent when I'm focussing more on getting what I say right... deffo think that'll lesson with confidence/experience etc.

    What vid did you watch out of interest? Just cos I'm hoping there's already some (small) improvement between my first vid and the more recent ones
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog : Cheers Mr P, and yeah I don't read from a screen or any script or anything. Emma's pointed out the same thing as you, it's cos there is a view finder on the camera (that faces me) when I'm recording so I can see myself, so I'm loooking slightly above the lens (at the view finder) instead of into the camera, I keep trying to stop it. The stiffness I think largely comes from still being a bit nervous so I'm focussing on not f*ing up and so can be a bit robotic at times, like sometimes I revert to my 'telephone voice' and lose a bit of my scouse accent when I'm focussing more on getting what I say right... deffo think that'll lesson with confidence/experience etc. What vid did you watch out of interest? Just cos I'm hoping there's already some (small) improvement between my first vid and the more recent ones
    Posted by Lambert180
    I'd say there have been improvements, yeah. It's a difficult thing to change because it's probably a function of a) being so close to the camera & b) understandably not wanting to look away from the computer. It's likely no problem since it obviously subsides as soon as the important stuff (gaming) actually begins
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog : Yo Percy, long time no speak! You actually gonna venture up to Manchester for the SPT tho?
    Posted by Lambert180
    not sure, probably not. altho I say this for every one and typically end up changing my mind in the last few hours. live poker just kills me
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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    I fuckinnnn love games.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr

    LOL I assume this was written after York races, surprised you never mentioned All Saints.

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    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog:
    In Response to Re: SPT Vlog : LOL I assume this was written after York races, surprised you never mentioned All Saints.
    Posted by HENDRIK62

    Forgot how many belters they had, and Black Coffee is an anthem of a generation, more so than Pure Shores. They still look alright too.

    I'm sure we'll look back at Scousemouse in 15 years time and marvel at his videos too.
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