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Bit of a random one this, let me know which film baddies you think are a bit weird. I'll start off:
Ed-209 from Robocop. Upon first look you get the feeling this is one bad, mean machine. A real big ugly lump of metal, this beast has such high powered weaponry that if it warned you not to park on double-yellows you'd be off in a shot. But then what happens. Due to the dodgy design of it's feet, the big heap of junk can't even manage a flight of stairs. Slips and falls and ends up on it's back crying like a little baby. Good grief. Scrapyard for you, you big metal goon!
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All she wanted was a pair of girly slippers then she got topped by a splash of water.....wimp i think lol.
at one point when they melt him, all he has left is his nose. And the carrot kills 2 people.
brilliant film!
Did they not all snuff it for want of a MMR jab a piece lol.