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edited February 2010 in The Shed
You're probably hurting right now, and you are sure going to get a lot of stick in the near future. Rest assured i won't be doing that, why?

I'm a diehard Leeds fan, and i know just how you all feel. It's a sickener when outside influences affect your team's status in the top flight. I hope the reports about the demise of the club at the end of the season turn out to be just a kneejerk reaction to the situation and I hope you don't end up "doin a Leeds" and dropping another division so quickly.

Good luck to you all, most importantly, don't lose the soul of the club, keep believing and keep the faith.

All the best IAN (M.O.T)


  • edited February 2010
    The one problem i see with this thread, and forgive me if im wrong, which i probably aint, is that there ain't many pompy fans around, and the one or two that are ain't going to make any worthwhile contributions because they must be daft to support a cr appy team like that lool. (please take this with a pinch of salt)
  • edited February 2010
    its nice to finally know whats going on but as any long suffering suporter of their local team will know it doesnt matter what division you in its the going to the game and that feeling you get walking up to the ground.
    i first went in 1978 when  there was a div 4 and we were in it and the feeling i got when i got off the train at london victoria on the morning of the fa cup semi final when the whole train was full of people who i know were feeling the same way most of who had been waiting for that moment all there lives and the whole place as we entered the main foyer burst into a defening chorus of hes only a poor little scummer (the hair on my neck still stand up just thinking about it).
    so wind us up if you want weve been cr@p before and always knew we would be again,but the club is the heart of the city and if youve ever been to the city its a tough resileant place and wherever we end up we will all still be there living every second because like all of you who support a team because of geography rather than history were a part of citys team and not a client or target audience like you long distant glory hunters.
  • edited February 2010
    Chin up BADBOY.

    Yes, it is bad but more importantly IT IS NOT THE END for Pompey. No doubt some dark times lay ahead in the next few seasons, but if they can weather the storm next season in the championship then everything could still work out ok.

    They are down but not out. Believe.
  • edited February 2010
    Was speaking to my mate earlier who is a saints fan, he said ' global warning is a funny thing, its fine in southampton but -9 in portsmouth! :0 lol

    On a serious note, Its a big shame whats going on there, dont like to see any club go into administration, im v.close to Crystal palace so they are my local team that i like to see do well, but now they are in a relegation battle from fighting for a place in the play offs...

    The money in football is huge and so many people want to make money from it, its more of a buisness than football and they dont do whats best for the club/fans, they just want ££££!

    So gl to Pompey, and hopefully one day they are backing in the premiership!

  • edited February 2010
    I heard that 90% of the incomming money went on players wages, no business can be a success with those figures, its about time that clubs lived within there means and if that means having less established stars and dropping down a division then so be it, they cant all be champion standard and the supporters and the owners must be more realistic. The driving force behind this has been the taxman looking for his 12M slice, why didnt they pay that off with the cash they got from player sales, from an outsiders view it looks like a poorly run business to me.
  • edited February 2010
    well said badboy,no disrespect norbit at least you are a londoner but cuts me to the core when i see them walking round my city with their gloryhunting tops on and smug faces, i avoid at all costs but on the off chance i do have to speak to them they usually try to put us down i just say name your starting 11 that usually shuts em up anyways its a sad day for football and a very very sad day for portsmouth fc good luck for the future mate
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: POMPEY FANS:
    I heard that 90% of the incomming money went on players wages, no business can be a success with those figures, its about time that clubs lived within there means and if that means having less established stars and dropping down a division then so be it, they cant all be champion standard and the supporters and the owners must be more realistic. The driving force behind this has been the taxman looking for his 12M slice, why didnt they pay that off with the cash they got from player sales, from an outsiders view it looks like a poorly run business to me.
    Posted by loonytoons
    There must have been some monster wages and contracts being doled out. Would that be down to the board or would they have been trying to keep the (popular) manager sweet? This has been brewing for a while probably. Who do the Pompey fans blame?

    What is even sadder (imo) is reading that ex-players are chasing money from the club. Ok, this money would rightfully be theirs, but we are talking about people who have made MILLIONS from lucrative deals. Shocking (imo)
  • edited February 2010
    Im a Man u fan, have been even in the dark days........ i do hope pompey survive, not just in the league but financially as well...

    I mean come on there is nothing better than seeing that big bear chested guy banging on his drum makes me laugh every time i see him....... but he is a TRUE fan...

    Goodluck to all at pompey...

    Also just a question (for any pompey fans) who is to blame????

    Redknapp, Storrie - i wont bother writing the owners, i'll be here all night
  • edited February 2010
    I think the figures were somthing like 90m on wages with a annual turnover of 120m

    In Response to Re: POMPEY FANS:
    I heard that 90% of the incomming money went on players wages, no business can be a success with those figures, its about time that clubs lived within there means and if that means having less established stars and dropping down a division then so be it, they cant all be champion standard and the supporters and the owners must be more realistic. The driving force behind this has been the taxman looking for his 12M slice, why didnt they pay that off with the cash they got from player sales, from an outsiders view it looks like a poorly run business to me.
    Posted by loonytoons
  • edited February 2010
    It is nice to see Leeds turning things around, another 2/3 years i reckon u'll be back in the promised land!!!

    In Response to POMPEY FANS:
    You're probably hurting right now, and you are sure going to get a lot of stick in the near future. Rest assured i won't be doing that, why? I'm a diehard Leeds fan, and i know just how you all feel. It's a sickener when outside influences affect your team's status in the top flight. I hope the reports about the demise of the club at the end of the season turn out to be just a kneejerk reaction to the situation and I hope you don't end up "doin a Leeds" and dropping another division so quickly. Good luck to you all, most importantly, don't lose the soul of the club, keep believing and keep the faith. All the best IAN (M.O.T)
    Posted by labrat64
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: POMPEY FANS:
    It is nice to see Leeds turning things around, another 2/3 years i reckon u'll be back in the promised land!!! In Response to POMPEY FANS :
    Posted by EDKENT123
    its nice to see a man utd fan showing respect, i dont tar you all with the same brush mainly the ones who dissrespect the smaller if we dont know what we,re talking about
  • edited February 2010
    Rightly or wrongly, people always use Leeds Utd as an example of how not to run a football club. Leeds are a MASSIVE club, but had a chairman who gambled and lost. At the time they were one of the best teams in the PL but it could be argued that they were a bit unlucky. I can remember them losing 2-1 at Highbury at the end of the season and finishing 4th. At the time there were only 3 champions league places on offer, so Leeds missed out on the obvious financial rewards that Ridsdale had gambled on. Ironic thing is that there were 4 CL spots up for grabs the following season. How fine a line......Ridsdale could be viewed as a maverick chairman, but i believe that he came within an inch of making LUFC a mainstay at the top of the game...... 
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: POMPEY FANS:
    Rightly or wrongly, people always use Leeds Utd as an example of how not to run a football club. Leeds are a MASSIVE club, but had a chairman who gambled and lost. At the time they were one of the best teams in the PL but it could be argued that they were a bit unlucky. I can remember them losing 2-1 at Highbury at the end of the season and finishing 4th. At the time there were only 3 champions league places on offer, so Leeds missed out on the obvious financial rewards that Ridsdale had gambled on. Ironic thing is that there were 4 CL spots up for grabs the following season. How fine a line......Ridsdale could be viewed as a maverick chairman, but i believe that he came within an inch of making LUFC a mainstay at the top of the game...... 
    Posted by emilyegg
    your right it was a fine line,but what happend to all the money leeds had i mean didnt they reach the semis of the c/ it were wasted on medioce players,they go on a bad run so they get rid of o leary prematurely imo and so the spiral begins.and the man at the top is still lining his pockets while the fans suffer,ridsdale was that man he took leeds down through mis-management and he,ll proberbly do the same to cardiff.the one thing i can guarentee leeds will be back
  • edited February 2010
    I've always had a soft spot for Pompey even being a West Ham fan. I feel real sympathy for the fans here, they're the real losers in this situation. TBH though, it was only a matter of time before a top flight club went into administration & I'm just thankful that, for the time being at least, the club haven't gone altogether.
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