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Seen everything now

xxxxx Small blind  30.00 30.00 3245.00
tallboy Big blind  60.00 90.00 5526.25
  Your hole cards
  • 4
  • A
xxxxx Call  60.00 150.00 11525.00
thepaver23 Fold     
xxxxxCall  60.00 210.00 6425.00
xxxxxCall  30.00 240.00 3215.00
tallboy Check     
  • 2
  • 4
  • 5
xxxxx Check     
tallboy Check     
xxxxx Bet  240.00 480.00 11285.00
xxxxxCall  240.00 720.00 6185.00
xxxxx Fold     
tallboy Fold     
  • A
xxxxx All-in  11285.00 12005.00 0.00
xxxxxAll-in  6185.00 18190.00 0.00
xxxxx Unmatched bet  5100.00 13090.00 5100.00
  • J
  • K
xxxxx Show
  • 6
  • 8
  • 5
xxxxx Win Pair of 5s 13090.00  18190.00
Level 4 of the 8.15 Deepstack i just cant believe this play.


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    edited March 2010
    The guy with JK is just crazy lol.
    It's the guy with 68s i feel sorry for... he needed a 3 or a 7 to make his straight and he probably thought he had like a 70% chance to hit lol... new players often dont know the chances of hitting... or he may of though he already had the straight.
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Seen everything now:
    The guy with JK is just crazy lol. It's the guy with 68s i feel sorry for... he needed a 3 or a 7 to make his straight and he probably thought he had like a 70% chance to hit lol... new players often dont know the chances of hitting... or he may of though he already had the straight.
    Posted by BlackFish3
    "He may HAVE thoughT"
    Didnt they teach you anything at school?
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    edited March 2010
    you're relentless!

    i typed 'your' first before i realised and changed it just for you :D
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Seen everything now:
    In Response to Re: Seen everything now : "He may HAVE thoughT" Didnt they teach you anything at school?
    Posted by Seagull158
    Seagull do you just go around every thread picking faults with people? Or do you actually play poker at some point?
  • Options
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Seen everything now:
    In Response to Re: Seen everything now : Seagull do you just go around every thread picking faults with people? Or do you actually play poker at some point?
    Posted by tallboy
    I play pretty much every evening! I play during the day Saturday and Sunday usually too. And I dont go round picking faults with people. Blackfish3 is a trainee solicitor and I am helping with his training e.g. grammar. I am playing in the £1000 GTD at 9pm today but I am then away till Friday. I'll be in the orfordable Friday. See you there?
  • Options
    edited March 2010
    If you raise or call you win the hand.
    Your not weak with this board you have lots of outs and lots of chances to outplay him. The guy has only bet the pot to see where hes at (no pre flop raise) remember he is entitled to bet with KJ as he may be good.
    if your gonna play rag aces you have to have the bottle to play them or get out pre flop, a raise pre flop would also have defined this hand for you rather then the check.
    Very table dependant i know but thats my 2ps worth
    Keep Smiling
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