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Early door problems

Ok i have a couple of problems with my game still despite improving.

I usually dominate the latter stages of tournaments taking control and making myself table captain, expessially if im chip leader.

However im still struggling losing a vast amount of small pots in the earlier stages of a tournament, can anyone help me out please.


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    edited March 2010
    Either sit tight and rock it up for the early levels... or get involved in lots of cheap pots with big hitting hands like pairs (looking for sets) or suited cons... just make sure if you dont hit big then you get out if the action heats up.
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    edited March 2010
    See its usually these middling hands like suited connectors i use to my advantage in the latter stages, usually a raise scared people and if you hit your usually ahead. I took 6 heads in a bounty hunter yesterday that way. However in the early stages e.g. blinds 50 - 100 a raise to 400 doesnt scare people unlike at 600 - 1200 when the exact same raise to 4800 does.
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Early door problems:
    See its usually these middling hands like suited connectors i use to my advantage in the latter stages, usually a raise scared people and if you hit your usually ahead. I took 6 heads in a bounty hunter yesterday that way. However in the early stages e.g. blinds 50 - 100 a raise to 400 doesnt scare people unlike at 600 - 1200 when the exact same raise to 4800 does.
    Posted by The_Don90
    DOn, the point of using the suited connectors - small pairs etc early isn't to raise it up and scare people (as you state you do with these in later stages) Who wants 30 chips in blinds? your looking to see the flop cheap with these cards and hit BIG to build chips, not by picking up blinds early doors. Im not saying don't raise them but don't so it to scare people out. Small raises possible to get pot control and then milk when you hit hard, in late position in multi pots possibly try and see flops with cards that work well together
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Early door problems:
    Ok i have a couple of problems with my game still despite improving. I usually dominate the latter stages of tournaments taking control and making myself table captain, expessially if im chip leader. However im still struggling losing a vast amount of small pots in the earlier stages of a tournament, can anyone help me out please.
    Posted by The_Don90
    Had same problem myself Don, and also took advice. Its all about position,position, position.
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    edited March 2010
    i pretty much play tight the first few levels, maybe allocate myself a certain amount of chips to see flops with with hands that look pretty and hope to hit big and try and get that all important first double up! try to play in position as much as possible and keep an eye on all the players on your table so you know the players to attack when you need to do some stealing later on! patience is the key though early doors!
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    edited March 2010
    Another piece of advice I was given is to be very aware that the other players on the table are likely to be playing suited connectors and small pairs early in a tourny. So you must pay attention to texture of flops. This is where I have been caught many times myself.
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Early door problems:
    Another piece of advice I was given is to be very aware that the other players on the table are likely to be playing suited connectors and small pairs early in a tourny. So you must pay attention to texture of flops. This is where I have been caught many times myself.
    Posted by penguin7

    thanks for this bit of advice never really thought of this before. always looking to add these little things to think about to improve my game.
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