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mothers day dilema

edited March 2010 in The Shed
Ok, my mother has been away for 2 weeks on holiday (coming back tomorrow) and I over-heard a man on the bus mention it is mothers day this Sunday?

So I had no benifit of some subtle hints like leaving the Argos open with a ring around a certain item. Which leaves me in quite a pickle, as there is 1 day left and I would like to continue living at home.

So I am looking for some fast ideas from you guys (as your the smartest collection of people I can contact in short notice) to help me out and give mummy Miyagi a good treat on mothers day.

Money is no object for concern but ideally, under £15 if you can.


  • edited March 2010
    You can never go wrong with Pillowcases wise-one
  • edited March 2010
    under £15? under £15? under £15, this is how much you think of her, after bringing you into this world, and making you her No1 son, this is what you think she is due?? ok then for that amount of money, i think your gonna struggle, leave it with me.
  • edited March 2010
    Jobs a good un Mr Miyagi, Sainsburys are still selling Thorntons Chocolates at half price.
    And (subject to availability) there are also some "I Love You Mum" single-use Chopsticks which are priced at a very competitive £2.79. Throw a musical card on top of this and I reckon you will be spending around Ten English Pounds.
  • edited March 2010
    marks & spencers are doing a meal for 4 & a bottle of wine for £15, that way it keeps her busy & you get a nice dinner out of it, tho it may be your last,haha.
  • edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: mothers day dilema:
    Jobs a good un Mr Miyagi, Sainsburys are still selling Thorntons Chocolates at half price. And (subject to availability) there are also some "I Love You Mum" single-use Chopsticks which are priced at a very competitive £2.79. Throw a musical card on top of this and I reckon you will be spending around Ten English Pounds.
    Posted by emilyegg
    hmm chopsticks sound pretty good.

    I love the price too, well done emily.
  • edited March 2010
    The pleasure is mine wise-one. Have road tested the single-use Chopsticks for you. The bad news is....I think they may be straws :0(
  • edited March 2010
    Chocolates, flowers, slippers , cup of tea in bed, toasted crumpets with lots of butter, do the washing up and no fighting with siblings 
  • edited March 2010

    Sigh why do they make these silly days up??? -

    Idont normally bother with it - anyone know a website where I can get summat from and they'll deliver tomorrow? I didnt even know it was tomorrow or I would have done something yesterday :(

    Thnx, DOHH
  • edited March 2010

    I got an elephant from sainsbury's for £5 (yes she still likes soft toys) and going out for dinner (probably more expensive, see if I can split that with dad).

    Oh, and my brother's baking a cake.
  • edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: mothers day dilema:
    Sigh why do they make these silly days up??? - Idont normally bother with it - anyone know a website where I can get summat from and they'll deliver tomorrow? I didnt even know it was tomorrow or I would have done something yesterday :( Thnx, DOHH
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    I am totally with you. Had it not been for the guy in the seat infornt of me on the number 21 I would not have known either.

    I woke up really late today so I have not been anywhere to get anything still!

    There is a plan though. I am going to Asda and hopefully there will be something nice there under £20 (budget increased due to winning some on poker last night)

    hmmm Jingle your brother might have a good idea there.. some cheap cake mix and some dairymilk.. I might give it a go.
  • edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: mothers day dilema:
    hmmm Jingle your brother might have a good idea there.. some cheap cake mix and some dairymilk.. I might give it a go.
    Posted by Mr_Miyagi
    Mr Kipling's already done the work for ya! ;-)
  • edited March 2010
    I had 2 new tyres fitted to my wife's car .......... she wasn't over the moon but it went down better than the lawnmower I got her for her birthday.
  • edited March 2010
    Ok after looking at the cake mix things it seemed like a lot of trouble so I gave that up, then I spent 25mins looking for some Milk Tray before I gave up.

    I cracked it though, she has just come back from holiday in Benidorm. So I have bought here the DVD box set of Benidorm :D

    genius? we'll have to wait and see.
  • edited March 2010
    absolutely nothing! 

    Ill have to pay for the take-away tonight and get onto moonpig before her birthday next saturday! grr
  • edited March 2010
    I have bought my mum and mother in law a big card for extra brownie points and i bought them both an oven glove with Best Mum written on it and its pink lol.

    I have also baked them both a loaf. They will love it.

    Total cost 3.50 each.....laffin.
  • edited March 2010
    Benidorm went down a treat.

    However it did cost £28 minus discount.

    Next year I am learning to bake
  • edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: mothers day dilema:
    Sigh why do they make these silly days up??? - Idont normally bother with it - anyone know a website where I can get summat from and they'll deliver tomorrow? I didnt even know it was tomorrow or I would have done something yesterday :( Thnx, DOHH
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Dont bother with it. I let my sister and ex-wife (thats 2 different people by the way) deal with all that rubbish. She knows I love her 'cos I treat her all year round Just tell her its a scam.
  • edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: mothers day dilema:
    In Response to Re: mothers day dilema : Dont bother with it. I let my sister and ex-wife (thats 2 different people by the way) deal with all that rubbish. She knows I love her 'cos I treat her all year round Just tell her its a scam.
    Posted by Seagull158
    glad you pointed that out, it would have explained a lot though.
  • edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: mothers day dilema:
    In Response to Re: mothers day dilema : Dont bother with it. I let my sister and ex-wife (thats 2 different people by the way) deal with all that rubbish. She knows I love her 'cos I treat her all year round Just tell her its a scam.
    Posted by Seagull158
    lollll brilliant comment.

    Im amazed a massive company like moonpig dont do next day delivery on the day before mothers day - surely they're missing out on ma fortune becoz of slack clowns like me???

    I cnt do shopping, so it has to be something ordered online for the bday next saturday, I doubt ordering the take-away 2 weeks running will cut it
  • edited March 2010
    i went with Lemar's greatest hits and some chocolate :)
  • edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: mothers day dilema:
    i went with Lemar's greatest hits and some chocolate :)
    Posted by namesb0nd
    surely youve got the `s` in the wrong place, it should read Lemar`s greatest HIT and some chocolateS.
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