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How to play later stages of MTTs

edited March 2010 in Hold'em Poker Strategy
at the moment i seem to be having trouble in the late stages of MTTs, im feeling comfortable through the early and middle stages even if im low on chips i am always confident on building my stack back up. 

its around the bubble/final table (as i mainly play deepstacks and there normally close to each other)  i seem to be having trouble when blinds are high and if your lucky you can get away from one maybe two hands you raise without pushing after if someone comes over the top. or just shoving by picking your spots. 

 ive been doing ok had a few 2nd's lately and a few more final tables but never really a contender to win and think this must be the part of my game i need to improve most!

the way i have been playing lately is picking spots on the bubble and after the bubble tightening up as the smaller stacks start to push and maybe trying to target the odd short stack if i get a playable hand...but i seem to only play when i get cards at this point as i have to risk most of if not all my stack on any hand i play.

hope this makes sense and any help will be much appreciated 



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    edited March 2010
    Rob i am the exact opposite. Maybe we could team up and become a good unit lol.

    Anyway the advice i give usually for the latter stages of a MTT is simple. As the blinds go up life gets harder for all the shortys. I usually build my stack in the middle stages of a tournament and usually try to go into the bubble as close to the chip leader as possible chip wise, if im not the chip leader myself.

    This means as everyone around you is tightening up you can become a little looser. Raise alot more, steal alot more blinds. This way you build your stack further, and make life even harder for those shortys. The only thing i can say however is if a shorty does shove make sure you have a genuine hand, see lots of flops, if their checked round or only min betted the opponent is usually scared, so raise. But make sure its a raise only a strong hand can call, if they call wait and see what happens next.

    I personally find the key to this part of a tournament is pure aggression.
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    edited March 2010
     cheers for the reply mate i think i do need to start playing the later stages with more aggression and use it as a time to take the shortys chips to build my stack.

    i think i get the problem cause im normally a average stack at this point and if i have a casualty with one of these short stacks its me in there position, i suppose its all about picking your spots well. makes alot of sense the raising of the short stacks that are limping thats something i defiantly need to do more of

     cheers for the advice gave me some things to work on...i seen a post on tag team poker on the general poker chat if it ever comes about we could make a good team lol il take the start and first half of the middle then give you the hard bit and go on and win lol
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    edited March 2010
    hi mate.... table observation is the key as well as controlled agression. Keep focused who wants to "creep" into the money and who is being ultra aggro, attack the money creepers and only tangle with the bullies when uve got a prem, i personally always aim for a top 3 finish like im sure most do, with regards to stack sizes..... try and build one middle to late... if u find urself down to 3-5bbs... pick a spot and shove any 2.... dont get blinded out hoping to wait for a hand.... it seems that ur doing ok so keep it going... good luck on ur dont normally give advice to a scummer ;-) pompey play up! lol
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    edited March 2010
    JImbo and the don make some great points above.

    I however dont target the short stacks if im a medium stack, unless they are trying to fold their way to the money.

    With the shorties tho, many will be looking to get it in quite light in the hope to double up just after the bubble has burst, so i tend to target fellow medium stacks and the larger staks who are quite content to fold their way up the money.

    The key for me is to know what type of oppos your up against. Dont try to bully a big stack that is bulying every pt, but if the big stack is very tight, then you can confidently steal from this player and you will know when they eventually have a hand and you can let yours go easily. dont try bullying shorties that you know are looking to get it in for a double up, because if you lose, you are now the shortstack! If you notice a shorty that is scared to bust and wants to ladder then attack attack attack. When they eventually find a hand to play back they will be too low to affect you.

    For me its all about paying attention to your opponents play and exploiting the weak players and avoiding the players that are aggro or looking for half a hand to shove unless u find a premium hand.

    Hope this makes sense.
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    edited March 2010
     cheers for the replys really apprecitate it gave me alot of things to think about and try and incorporate into my game especially a TP-er taking time out to give his advice, thats why i like playing on sky so much.

    ps jimbo wouldnt go shouting about being a pompey fan to much ;) lol
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: How to play later stages of MTTs:
    Rob i am the exact opposite. Maybe we could team up and become a good unit lol. Anyway the advice i give usually for the latter stages of a MTT is simple. As the blinds go up life gets harder for all the shortys. I usually build my stack in the middle stages of a tournament and usually try to go into the bubble as close to the chip leader as possible chip wise, if im not the chip leader myself. This means as everyone around you is tightening up you can become a little looser. Raise alot more, steal alot more blinds. This way you build your stack further, and make life even harder for those shortys. The only thing i can say however is if a shorty does shove make sure you have a genuine hand, see lots of flops, if their checked round or only min betted the opponent is usually scared, so raise. But make sure its a raise only a strong hand can call, if they call wait and see what happens next. I personally find the key to this part of a tournament is pure aggression.
    Posted by The_Don90

    Selective breeding, invest in the kids!
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