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30nl tpgk facing action

Hi,  would like some thoughts on the following hand please.  Not much info on villain.

I`d like to know what you think of my play so far, and what my next move should be.

Pablo-g Small blind  £0.15 £0.15 £19.78
FINS Big blind  £0.30 £0.45 £41.90
  Your hole cards
  • A
  • J
OMahonyO Raise  £1.20 £1.65 £26.16
Call  £1.20 £2.85 £29.14
melian Fold     
ace13 Fold     
Pablo-g Fold     
FINS Call  £0.90 £3.75 £41.00
  • A
  • 9
  • 5
FINS Check     
OMahonyO Bet  £2.40 £6.15 £23.76
Raise  £6.68 £12.83 £22.46
FINS Fold     
OMahonyO Call  £4.28 £17.11 £19.48
  • 7
OMahonyO Check     
Bet  £8.56 £25.67 £13.90


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    edited March 2010
    bet more on flop + fold to raise, his range crushes you.

    as played fold turn, what the hell do you expect to beat now? 

    this is more spewy than some of my play last night.

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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: 30nl tpgk facing action:
    bet more on flop + fold to raise, his range crushes you. as played fold turn, what the hell do you expect to beat now?  this is more spewy than some of my play last night.
    Posted by zing
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    edited March 2010
    I think you either need to raise or fold on the flop... if you think he is at it then ship it in, he cant call without a monster, if you think he has you beat then you should be folding, by calling you are only hoping to hit a J to make you feel better about your hand... Even then if its Jh they may have flush and if they have a set you are crushed anyways. I think a fold is the best move on flop with no previous on villan. A better spot will come along soon and you will want that £4+
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: 30nl tpgk facing action:
    In Response to Re: 30nl tpgk facing action : LOL
    Posted by Cowgomoo

    Is this a LOL at the advice given, or a LOL, at `yes you were spewey last night and it was funny`?
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: 30nl tpgk facing action:
    In Response to Re: 30nl tpgk facing action : Is this a LOL at the advice given, or a LOL, at `yes you were spewey last night and it was funny`?
    Posted by OMahonyO
    " what the hell are you beating now" and the last part.
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    edited March 2010
    Well, I did fold the turn and looking back felt a bit of a donk calling the flop raise.  I had been knocked off quite a few hands prior to this from other villains and think I was getting a bit paranoid.  Just getting the confirmation that is all.

    ty all.
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    edited March 2010
    ps cowgomoo, you have great teeth
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: 30nl tpgk facing action:
    bet more on flop + fold to raise, his range crushes you. as played fold turn, what the hell do you expect to beat now?  this is more spewy than some of my play last night.
    Posted by zing
    why does his range crush us, no info on villain so no idea what his range is?
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    edited March 2010
    we are multiway on a drawy board and getting raised when we've shown we're pretty strong by betting this board 3way from utg.

    op would have posted if the guy is a maniac so we can assume he is half competent and he is not value raising worse ever so we're 60/40 50/50 against draws and crushed vs 2pair+sets+AQ/AK 

    if I stove his probable range it won't be pretty and people very rarely bluff these boards multiway at micros so it's an easy fold on flop.
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    edited March 2010
    You could always just shove on the flop.

    In case you think "Uh oh, Sky Dave has gone and lost his marbles...", bear with me here. We're dealing with an opponent where we really know diddly squat about the way they play. We don't know if they're a thinker, a donk, a nit or laggy as Tikay after a good day of trainspotting. We need to play the hand without prejudice and think what works best in this particular spot.

    OK, so we know nothing about our opponent other than (as implied fromt OMahonyO's latter comment) he or she has been knocking us off a few pots. Again, we don't know if they were legit hands or ones where we got ran out of town. Either way, no biggies in there.

    To the hand. We raise it up pre with AJo (correct, imo) and get flatted in two spots. Player X, who I am calling Villain from now on, flat called in the seat next to us with four players behind them to act. Now, we need to not be too dogmatic about the way we think about poker EVER, but on the whole players tend to reraise bigger pairs and the likes of AK here. I imagine AQ is possibly a reraise too, depending on player. This leaves him with hands such as:

    AJ downwards,
    Broadways - KQ/KJ/QJ
    Pairs - let's suppose 99 or worse. I think a reraise is coming with TT and most certainly with JJ and QQ. We could be against a trappy opponent with KK or AA, but if so I am not a huge fan of their play with so many players still to act in the hand.

    FINS joins in too, so we're three way to the flop.

    Preflop assessment - we're more often ahead vs Villain's range, or a small dog vs those pairs. Remember - there are less ways of making pairs than the likes of KQ and A9.

    Marks out of 10 for our play: 9/10. No one ever gets 10/10 off Sky Dave.

    On the flop - Pot = £3.75.

    FINS checks to us and we fire out £2.40, so just under two-thirds pot. Personally I bet a bit more - somewhere around £3 just so our bet isn't misconstrued as weak when actually we're pretty happy with the board. That's a style thing though, so no one is going to hate us too much for leaving 60p at home this time.

    Now, the interesting bit. We get reraised up to £6.68 by Villain. FINS folds and we're left with the following:

    Top pair good kicker.
    Pot offering 4.28 to 12.83 - 3-1 to friends.

    Let's come back to the comment from zing, who thinks his range crushes us. What hands have us crushed here? AK, AQ, A9, A5, AA, 99 and 55. We're not even in terrible shape against 95 believe it or not. His range seems to have become very polarised (narrow, if you prefer that terminology) all of a sudden, and all from a £4.48 raise? Hmm, there's one of three things going on here:

    1) Zing is right and we're getting milked.
    2) Villain is reraising either to find out if he's ahead or simply because he's full of it.
    3) He could be raising with some of his draws, knowing he's got outs. He probably read one of Orford's treatises on 'betting on the come'. Superb they are, too.

    If it's case 1, we're buried vs sets and ~16% against the A9/A5. We're 25% vs 95, making this a mathematically correct call. Anecdotal, that - as I said, you could just shove...

    If it's case 2 or 3 though, we're doing some pretty awesome things here. We're telling Villain that he's going to have to pick his bluff/informational raises a little more carefully because we're now happy to shove on his raises. We're also pricing him out of his draws - even if he has the pretty nice 67hh here for a gutshot straight flush draw, we win this hand 52% of the time. Against a regular flush draw - let's give him that KQs - we're almost a 2-1 favourite. Basically, we're gettig our money in with the best of it. Job done.

    But wait, there's more! By shoving, we do occassionally fold out hands which chop or have us beat. Would you call for stacks here with AQ? The way WE'VE played the hand looks very strong indeed. AK could be a call, AJ I think is a fold from Villain. See - we put the decision back on him and we're trying to make this game as tough as possible.

    Spewy? I don't think so. To win at poker you need well timed aggression and sense of what is going on around you. We don't have history on him, but nor does he have any on us. Forget what we actually have and TELL him you've got something better. Once he mucks that hand, the game will seem all the more beautiful for it.

    Oh, and if he does have us beat, we can just reload. ;)

    I'm off to get some flame-resistant clothing, let 'em rip kids!
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    edited March 2010
    excellent review sky dave, 'nuff said.....
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    edited March 2010
    +1 dave, ill be re-raising the flop too, what did you do in the end mahony, im guessing you went allin on the turn?
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: 30nl tpgk facing action:
    +1 dave, ill be re-raising the flop too, what did you do in the end mahony, im guessing you went allin on the turn?
    Posted by hurst05
    he said he folded the turn
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: 30nl tpgk facing action:
    In Response to Re: 30nl tpgk facing action : he said he folded the turn
    Posted by 35suited
    woops, hadnt even realised he posted
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    edited March 2010
    The reason I classed it as spewy was because OP was considering anything other than folding this turn when there's no way you can continue readless here. 

    This is a marginal spot, and by that I mean we're hoping to get 100bbs in as 60/40~50/50 or hoping we're chopping? 
    30nl players aren't raise folding AQ/AJ here ever so you will never push them off this by raising fwiw.

    If I shove here I'm hoping for a fold because the majority of the time when I get called I'm miles behind or flipping with SD+FD, why would I want this when I know I have an edge at 30nl?

    There is no reason for me to increase variance by playing these spots is why I fold flop. 

    If you like higher variance I don't see shoving flop as terrible but it's not optimal at micros when you can find so many spots to get your money in as a big favourite.

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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: 30nl tpgk facing action:
    The reason I classed it as spewy was because OP was considering anything other than folding this turn when there's no way you can continue readless here.  This is a marginal spot, and by that I mean we're hoping to get 100bbs in as 60/40~50/50 or hoping we're chopping?  30nl players aren't raise folding AQ/AJ here ever so you will never push them off this by raising fwiw. If I shove here I'm hoping for a fold because the majority of the time when I get called I'm miles behind or flipping with SD+FD, why would I want this when I know I have an edge at 30nl? There is no reason for me to increase variance by playing these spots is why I fold flop.  If you like higher variance I don't see shoving flop as terrible but it's not optimal at micros when you can find so many spots to get your money in as a big favourite.
    Posted by zing
    i agree here... but what do you think of peeling off a turn? I think its an easy fold on the turn when the 3rd heart comes but i dont see anything wrong with peeling off the turn and reevaluating?
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: 30nl tpgk facing action:
    In Response to Re: 30nl tpgk facing action : i agree here... but what do you think of peeling off a turn? I think its an easy fold on the turn when the 3rd heart comes but i dont see anything wrong with peeling off the turn and reevaluating?
    Posted by BlackFish3

    Can't say I like calling here much unless I have a plan on what I'm gonna do on certain turn cards. Even then I'm OOP and readless, which makes me pretty uncomfortable..

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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: 30nl tpgk facing action:
    You could always just shove on the flop. In case you think "Uh oh, Sky Dave has gone and lost his marbles...", bear with me here. We're dealing with an opponent where we really know diddly squat about the way they play. We don't know if they're a thinker, a donk, a nit or laggy as Tikay after a good day of trainspotting. We need to play the hand without prejudice and think what works best in this particular spot. OK, so we know nothing about our opponent other than (as implied fromt OMahonyO's latter comment) he or she has been knocking us off a few pots. Again, we don't know if they were legit hands or ones where we got ran out of town. Either way, no biggies in there. To the hand. We raise it up pre with AJo (correct, imo) and get flatted in two spots. Player X, who I am calling Villain from now on, flat called in the seat next to us with four players behind them to act. Now, we need to not be too dogmatic about the way we think about poker EVER, but on the whole  depenplayers tend to reraise bigger pairs and the likes of AK here. I imagine AQ is possibly a reraise too,ding on player. This leaves him with hands such as: AJ downwards, Broadways - KQ/KJ/QJ Pairs - let's suppose 99 or worse. I think a reraise is coming with TT and most certainly with JJ and QQ. We could be against a trappy opponent with KK or AA, but if so I am not a huge fan of their play with so many players still to act in the hand. FINS joins in too, so we're three way to the flop. Preflop assessment - we're more often ahead vs Villain's range, or a small dog vs those pairs. Remember - there are less ways of making pairs than the likes of KQ and A9. Marks out of 10 for our play: 9/10. No one ever gets 10/10 off Sky Dave. On the flop - Pot = £3.75. FINS checks to us and we fire out £2.40, so just under two-thirds pot. Personally I bet a bit more - somewhere around £3 just so our bet isn't misconstrued as weak when actually we're pretty happy with the board. That's a style thing though, so no one is going to hate us too much for leaving 60p at home this time. Now, the interesting bit. We get reraised up to £6.68 by Villain. FINS folds and we're left with the following: Top pair good kicker. Pot offering 4.28 to 12.83 - 3-1 to friends. Let's come back to the comment from zing, who thinks his range crushes us. What hands have us crushed here? AK, AQ, A9, A5, AA, 99 and 55. We're not even in terrible shape against 95 believe it or not. His range seems to have become very polarised (narrow, if you prefer that terminology) all of a sudden, and all from a £4.48 raise? Hmm, there's one of three things going on here: 1) Zing is right and we're getting milked. 2) Villain is reraising either to find out if he's ahead or simply because he's full of it. 3) He could be raising with some of his draws, knowing he's got outs. He probably read one of Orford's treatises on 'betting on the come'. Superb they are, too. If it's case 1, we're buried vs sets and ~16% against the A9/A5. We're 25% vs 95, making this a mathematically correct call. Anecdotal, that - as I said, you could just shove... If it's case 2 or 3 though, we're doing some pretty awesome things here. We're telling Villain that he's going to have to pick his bluff/informational raises a little more carefully because we're now happy to shove on his raises. We're also pricing him out of his draws - even if he has the pretty nice 67hh here for a gutshot straight flush draw, we win this hand 52% of the time. Against a regular flush draw - let's give him that KQs - we're almost a 2-1 favourite. Basically, we're gettig our money in with the best of it. Job done. But wait, there's more! By shoving, we do occassionally fold out hands which chop or have us beat. Would you call for stacks here with AQ? The way WE'VE played the hand looks very strong indeed. AK could be a call, AJ I think is a fold from Villain. See - we put the decision back on him and we're trying to make this game as tough as possible. Spewy? I don't think so. To win at poker you need well timed aggression and sense of what is going on around you. We don't have history on him, but nor does he have any on us. Forget what we actually have and TELL him you've got something better. Once he mucks that hand, the game will seem all the more beautiful for it. Oh, and if he does have us beat, we can just reload. ;) I'm off to get some flame-resistant clothing, let 'em rip kids!
    Posted by Sky_Dave
    Nice post dave,

    just to clarify though. Villain in question had not been knocking me off a few pots.  Other villains in general had been up to that point.  This may seem petty to mention, but this would change the way I played the hand dramatically.

    Also, I am never assuming a player with no info on is re popping AK, AQ, TT-QQ.  I see people flatting these so often pre flop at this level that it has become the norm at times.
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