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Tough spot!!!!! What would you have done???

This is those tough decisions we have to make from time to time, should i have called?  This was my first clash with the villain so i had no reads on him, jus going on instincts on this one!! i figured he called me with a pair and hit a set, also a tricky card came on the turn. what are your thoughts thnx.


pedro41 Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £2.80
  Your hole cards
  • A
  • A
jnrd Call  £0.10 £0.25 £3.70
AKQ_Hearts Call  £0.10 £0.35 £3.28
WHOAMI196 Raise  £0.60 £0.95 £26.91
xxxxxx Call  £0.60 £1.55 £18.19
trib Fold     
pedro41 Fold     
jnrd Call  £0.50 £2.05 £3.20
AKQ_Hearts Fold     
  • 10
  • 9
  • 4
jnrd Check     
WHOAMI196 Bet  £1.90 £3.95 £25.01
xxxxxxx Call  £1.90 £5.85 £16.29
jnrd Fold     
  • 8
WHOAMI196 Check     
xxxxxxxAll-in  £16.29 £22.14 £0.00
WHOAMI196 Fold     
xxxxxxx Muck     
xxxxxxx Win  £21.85  £21.85


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    edited March 2010
    i would have cald and probably lost top st
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    edited March 2010
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    edited March 2010
    I think i would of bet again on the turn for value and then folded to a raise. As played, fold imo.
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    edited March 2010

    Hmmmmm... Odd hand

    Dealer button calls, calls and then when you show weakness he rams the lot in?

    I probably don't call his shove there but I'm not sure the shove comes if you bet the turn rather than check, If he has the Straight or Trips here why is he shoving at someone who has shown weakness when the turn came down? Does he not want you in the pot?

    What are you doing here if the roles reversed, you have someone betting into you and you have 3 of a kind or a straight? Then they stop, do you ram it all in to take it there? he could be protecting from the flush draws i suppose but he could only realisticly put you on a spade draw as it's doubtfull your hoping for the backdoor to complete when you bet on the flop.

    Interesting hand and the answer as to weather or not your ahead could probably only be found by knowing the player your against and what his play is like - The massive overbet just doesn't look right though unless you have a reputation for paying off 3 x the pot shoves lol

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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Tough spot!!!!! What would you have done???:
    massive overbet just doesn't look right though unless you have a reputation for paying off 3 x the pot shoves lol
    Posted by ACESOVER8s
    lol to ur last sentence, i h8 playin these low stakes and i do tend to do those cryin call on river, i used to play higher stakes on stars till i lost my job and blew all my money..........but things are lookin up now lol :) 

    i do think the over bet is strange, and think he wants to take it there and then .......... but is still beating me lol . I only have 1 pair at the end of the day. 

    Anyway great insight there acesover8s thnx 
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    edited March 2010
    Bet bit bigger on flop, bet the turn and then fold to a raise. As it is c/f to this shove.
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    edited March 2010
    He turned a straight flush draw imo.
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    edited March 2010
    whats the check on the turn for? the only reason to check there is to induce a bet from him!!!!!! (which you got) easy shove

    decent size turn bet lets you know if you really need to let go of the hand (if he reraises i fold).....
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Tough spot!!!!! What would you have done???:
    Bet bit bigger on flop, bet the turn and then fold to a raise. As it is c/f to this shove.
    Posted by beaneh
    As a question Beaneh what size bet are you making on the flop here? He has put pot size in so how big would you make it? Just interested
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Tough spot!!!!! What would you have done???:
    Bet bit bigger on flop, bet the turn and then fold to a raise. As it is c/f to this shove.
    Posted by beaneh
    i did bet £1.95 into £2.00 so i the bet on flop was ok but i do agree i shoulda bet turn
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Tough spot!!!!! What would you have done???:
    In Response to Re: Tough spot!!!!! What would you have done??? : i did bet £1.95 into £2.00 so i the bet on flop was ok but i do agree i shoulda bet turn
    Posted by WHOAMI196

    Sorry I have such a mare trying to look at the sky format hh they are so confusing!!!

    I'd just bet pot/well over pot if the table loves to call!
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