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Heads up problem

Ok im doing reasonable in most tournaments just now. However im having one massive problem.

Ive lost my last 3 heads up, remarably on all 3 occassions money has gone in pre-flop. Now ive not lost with a bad hand.

e.g. last 3 heads up

A 10 - beat by 10 J

77 (hit trips) - beaten by KK also hitting trips

A6 (suit hitting A and 6) - beaten by A7 also hitting both cards

So my question isnt about bad beats no, as in all of these insatnces ive been behind apart from the A 10 one. So what my question is, in two of these cases ive went into the heads up chip leader, after doing well Live heads up play i play all heads up the exact same, fold a weak hand, all in with a strong or suited Ace, and raising with a middling hand to scare off other middling hands.

So my question is, am i playing my heads up incorrectly?


  • Options
    edited March 2010
    please stop doing this... despite the description this is still a bad beat thread disguised as a strategy thread... if you want advice post a thread asking for help in specific situations etc... narrow down the question.

    1. Suck out
    2. Cooler
    3. Cooler
  • Options
    edited March 2010

    As i said i was behind on two of the occassions when the money went in so im cool losing them. Not a bad beat thread.

    I will re-phrase my origional question.

    I just cannot seem to win a heads up of late, often going in as chp leader, so may i ask can i get advice on playing heads up poker.

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    edited March 2010

    There is no advice if you are running 77 and A6s into bigger hands headsup late in a tournament with big blinds. There is no other way to play these hands.

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