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Live hand...

This hand played out yesterday live, so sorry I can't make the post more reader-friendly by using the nice graphics sky have.

I think what I'm looking for here is to see what people consider to be the optimal decision on the river.


Villain had been VERY active in the first few orbits - but every time he'd been to showdown, he had face cards, and didn't seem much of a bluffer. The hand about 4 or 5 before my hand played out, he'd been gifted chips when two players CALLED his all-in, both with 10s. So, he was huge in chips. Again, after this, he continued to be aggressive, but he was still showing down high cards.

My image was fairly tight, I'd not really been 3-betting at all, and had folded a lot of raises pre-flop on my BB - to the villain in particular.

Chip stacks;

I started the hand with just over 51K, and villain had 90K-ish.


Villain raises to 2200 (blinds are 500/1000), called by player in cut-off. On the button, I have AK (hearts), and re-raise back to 5,950. Called by original raiser, other player folds.

Flop - 8(h) 8(c) 3(h)

Villain bets 3500 into me, I raise back to 9,200, just called. (This is where I start getting confused)

Turn - 9(s)

Villain checks, I bet 16K, again flatted.

River - A(s)

Villain tanks, and then shoves all in.
Action on me ... ?


The way this was played suggested to me either a slowplayed 8, missed flush draw, or possible AK/AQ/AJ.

Naturally, he has me covered, and if I fold here, I'm left with approx. 20BB still, which isn't disastrous by any means.

Also, I'm hoping to hit the flush more than the pair, ideally. However, I couldn't get the AQ/AJ out of my head, figuring maybe he had the queen of hearts and felt it was worth a call on the flop?

Usually, all my decisions are almost instant, but this one really confused me, and I ended up tanking for a long time before making my decision.

Aside from the weak raise on the turn, where I really should be jamming or giving up (very disappointed with my play on this street, after reviewing it), what do you all think about the way the hand played out, and what decision are you making on the river?

I'll reveal his holdings tomorrow night, so that any answers aren't result motivated.


  • Options
    edited March 2010
    u should goto hand history and copy and past the hand, it would be easier...   my sky poker, then hand history. hope this helps ya
  • Options
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Live hand...:
    u should goto hand history and copy and past the hand, it would be easier...   my sky poker, then hand history. hope this helps ya
    Posted by BowieBoy
    hes said this was a live game not on here
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    edited March 2010
    Gross spot, are you expecting him to shove the flop with a flush draw and lots of weird hands once you raise? 

    I'm probably going to flat call the river if he has been active.
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Live hand...:
    In Response to Re: Live hand... : hes said this was a live game not on here
    Posted by 35suited
    well at 4:50 am what do you expect, lol, sigh!
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    edited March 2010
    it depends how much further you want to go in the tournament (has the bubble burst?), you are either way ahead or way behind. If you are looking for a better spot then its a fold, you said he wasn't much of a bluffer and you have reraised him twice and he has come with you.......he has probably got lucky and raised with 89s/810s......after all he is the chip leader and can raise with a larger range.

    What is his body language like, does he look confident or not?

    if you can't pick up a read then I would probably look for a better spot personally as you have 20bb left
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