This evening I shall attempting (with my usual futility) to steal all your chips via mean of certain skullduggery.
I shall bamboozle you with my awesome Ace Jack maneuvers in the Open and I shall partake of MUCH donking on the Mastercash tables.
Amongst all of this I shall freely and willingly be sharing of my ample goods (Mostly Sky Poker goods you understand) with you all.
Aren't I nice 
So what must you do to get your grubby little chip tricking paws on my goodies this evening??
Well.. it is simple.
All you must do is is accurately predict what delight Mr Orford and Mr Tikay will be wearing on the Total Player Sofa.
For example: Tikay- Burgundy jacket/ Orford- Tassles and a G-string.
In order for answers to count you must predict both the colours and items of clothing.
Entries up until the TP show starts and if nobody has it spot on then the nearest will win!!
Also JUST FOR FUN I wan to know about your worst fashion moment EVER!!
Pictures will be much appreciated (Although no pics featuring any under 18s, nudity or Ducks please as they will be taken off asap by the mods!).
Mine was denim dungarees (a size too big) and a baggy 'Global hyper' (remember those?!) T-shirt at my school disco aged 10. I thought I was super cool with my side pony tail and Pasty shoes. I have since BURNED any proof that this EVER occurred.
Tikay - black suit, white shirt and blue tie
Orford - balck suit, blue shirt, no tie
Worst fashion moment - rugby initiation - had go walk around in Union all night in a ladies thong - Oh the memories!!
Let me know if you need a top up he he
T K shirt and tie with pink jumper on top and dark slacks rich dark jeans t shirt and check shirt on top
As it's the final I recon both will be in black tie (black dj & white shirt) Make an effort for the final and everything...or it could go blue jumper / burgundy jacket
Lol.. as soon as I'm outta the Open Dyl... So around 8:03
both dressed like the men in black ,
with sunglasses of course lol !
Sweet Jesus.. please ANYTHING but the BLUE JUMPER!! lol
Tikay - Red jacket, yellow shirt, black trousers, red tie.
I am really not bothered what morecombe & wise will be wearing TBH.
What will you be wearing on your 1st saturday show princess?....
X (lol....marks 4 trying at least!)
Thanks LM and sorry I couldn't donate more money your way tonight
Loved some of your plays tonight LM, in the 8pm and in cash - didn't quite work out for ya but keep going with it - you are fearless and the moves you made were the correct one - even the AJ exit hand