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Bluff line check.....

I think the hand history failed.


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    edited March 2010
    Villain seems fairly solid, not been involved in many pots, has bet oop a couple of times following a preflop and taken it down on the flop, hasnt shown much aggression pre or post other than that i dont have much of a solid read so I guess you could say this play is risky....

    xxxxx Small blind   £0.15 £0.15 £48.07
    themonk012 Big blind   £0.30 £0.45 £5.09
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • A
    lynx3ffect Raise   £0.90 £1.35 £34.15
    RyanRio115 Fold        
    EDITH41 Fold        
    xxxxx Call   £0.75 £2.10 £47.32
    themonk012 Call   £0.60 £2.70 £4.49
    • 7
    • J
    • Q
    xxxxx Bet   £1.20 £3.90 £46.12
    themonk012 Fold        
    lynx3ffect Raise   £3.75 £7.65 £30.40
    xxxxx Call   £2.55 £10.20 £43.57
    • 2
    xxxxx Check        
    lynx3ffect Bet   £7.65 £17.85 £22.75
    xxxxx Call   £7.65 £25.50 £35.92
    • 8
    xxxxx Check        
    lynx3ffect All-in   £22.75 £48.25 £0.00
    xxxxx Fold        
    lynx3ffect Muck        
    lynx3ffect Win   £46.98   £46.98
    On the flop with his bet out I put him on some kind of J or Q, there hasnt been much 3 betting pre so i rule out high PPs, obv a draw is possible too. My raise on flop im trying to rep an OP or AsQx, 2p or set type hands than doesnt like the texture. He doesnt snap call which i'd expect from strong draws so Im confident any fd/sd type cards will be good to continue bluffing and confirms my thoughts he has at least a strong pair.

    The turn brings the flush and he checks, i bet 3/4 (hoping to set up river shove) and after a long tank he flats...I figure any flush is raising here and no straights get there so I'm putting him on at least a KQ/AQ maybe even QJ but i'd say its unlikely given his flat on that flop.

    The river brings the 8 so all kinds of draws get there now, as I've discounted draws from his range, in his mind he should be thinking I have AA, JJ, QQ, 9sTs, AsQs so im trying to get him to fold out his tp/2p type hands as really given my shove on the river he cant beat anything....

    What do you think of my line? Reasonable or total spew?!

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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Bluff line check.....:
    I think the hand history failed.
    Posted by Cowgomoo
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    edited March 2010
    use firefox to copy and paste the HH.
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    edited March 2010
    Well this play works everytime until the first time it doesn't........ the only hands he can reasonably put you on here is AsQs or a set, are you gonna shove hard on the river with just a set , well maybe but even if he has AQ/KQ/JQ he is still miles behind to a set or made flush....this is a high risk play but you showed aggression on all streets post flop so he is folding out a pair of queens and if he has two pair it is a borderline were fortunate and found the right customer...............however, I would generally avoid posting hands like this on the forum.........else moves like that will become spewy!!!

    I rarely show hands during a game unless I want respect...........and I never ever show bluffs.
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