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did i make the right play here?

edited March 2010 in Omaha
i figured i have a good hand, i have a K so its less likely he has KKxx and i also have the potential to make a wheel and i have two hearts, which everyone knows are the best suit. So i thought i would put my opponent to a decision for all his chips. He called with a trash hand imo and sucked out but could i have played it any differently?
offshoot Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £189.98
dantb10 Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £147.84
  Your hole cards
  • K
  • 2
  • 7
  • 3
offshoot Raise   £155.68 £155.74 £34.30
dantb10 All-in   £147.84 £303.58 £0.00
offshoot Unmatched bet   £7.82 £295.76 £42.12
offshoot Show
  • K
  • 2
  • 7
  • 3
dantb10 Show
  • 2
  • K
  • J
  • J
  • Q
  • J
  • 9
  • 5
  • 4
dantb10 Win Three Jacks £294.76   £294.76


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    edited March 2010
    2 frush draws > 1 frush draw
  • Options
    edited March 2010
    think ur funny...................? we all know Spades are the best suite, hearts are for sisis OK!!!!   by the way sky poker is broken u meant to have 2 cards not 4 .......... or u must be cheating u fool

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    edited March 2010
    Answer to OP, no, shove pre but then fold river if you haven't improved to 3 of a kind or better IMO.
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to did i make the right play here?:
    i figured i have a good hand, i have a K so its less likely he has KKxx and i also have the potential to make a wheel and i have two hearts, which everyone knows are the best suit. So i thought i would put my opponent to a decision for all his chips. He called with a trash hand imo and sucked out but could i have played it any differently? Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance offshoot Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £189.98 dantb10 Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £147.84   Your hole cards K 2 7 3       offshoot Raise   £155.68 £155.74 £34.30 dantb10 All-in   £147.84 £303.58 £0.00 offshoot Unmatched bet   £7.82 £295.76 £42.12 offshoot Show K 2 7 3       dantb10 Show 2 K J J       Flop     Q J 9       Turn     5       River     4       dantb10 Win Three Jacks £294.76   £294.76
    Posted by offshoot
    hi offshoot
    imo you should not be playing the cards you have dan has a much stronger hand by a mile pre flop than you have. There are very few hands i will go allin pre flop with in omaha. google best starting hands in omaha print the list off and try and play the best of the list. the problem is the best hand pre flop eg AdKdAhKh is not that good on a 3s 5s 6s flop
    Dai LLewellyn
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    edited March 2010
    I disagree with the above post.

    You made a very good bluff preflop. Your open shoving 3696BB which requires villian to call with the top 0.000002% of possible hole cards for it to be a +ev call.

    It just so happens that he made a spewy call and unfortunatly had you crushed and held out - i.e. you got unlucky. However our aggressive play here is clearly profitable and unexploitable in the long run so keep at it!
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: did i make the right play here?:
    2 frush draws /> 1 frush draw
    Posted by beaneh
    i think you misread the hand beaneh, i clearly have 3 flush draws vs his 2. I actually dont know how i managed to lose this one.
  • Options
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: did i make the right play here?:
    In Response to Re: did i make the right play here? : i think you misread the hand beaneh, i clearly have 3 flush draws vs his 2. I actually dont know how i managed to lose this one.
    Posted by offshoot
    Only if you had some red and black crayons handy.

    As it turned out you were unlucky to get called pre-flop - who could have predicted that???

    When playing super deep stacks, it's very unlikely that you will be called here unless the table dynamics indicated otherwise.  I guess that you were just up against a station.  :-))))
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