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another one for beaneh

candia Small blind  £0.50 £0.50 £36.36
ladzer Big blind  £1.00 £1.50 £34.97
  Your hole cards
  • K
  • A
freechips1 Raise  £4.00 £5.50 £162.76
phil12uk Call  £4.00 £9.50 £116.71
louisville Call  £4.00 £13.50 £86.21
EVILEDNA Fold     
candia Raise  £14.00 £27.50 £22.36
ladzer Fold     
freechips1 Raise  £33.00 £60.50 £129.76
phil12uk All-in  £116.71 £177.21 £0.00
louisville Fold     
candia Fold     
freechips1 Fold     
phil12uk Muck     
phil12uk Win  £177.21  £177.21


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    edited March 2010
    i am sure i made the correcy fold.

    im sure phil wont mind me leaving his name in.
    my reads, phil is norm a mtt/stt player but l8ly has been playing more cash, he will fire on 2 streets with a draw and also may rep a hand on the river.
    why did i fold this hand? i have been very agro for phill over the past half hour and my thoghts when he shoves was aa,kk and he was trying to trap me.
    phill i would love you to post on here, we spoke after the hand and he said he thought i had mid pair/AQ
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    edited March 2010
    Never ever 4-bet fold AK 100BB deep. 
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: another one for beaneh:
    Never ever 4-bet fold AK 100BB deep. 
    Posted by BrownnDog
    i wont norm fold AK after i 4 bet, its the way it played. i had been a pain in the ar se 4 him, i think he was trying to trap me. what hand can you put him on in this spot?
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: another one for beaneh:
    In Response to Re: another one for beaneh : i wont norm fold AK after i 4 bet, its the way it played. i had been a pain in the ar se 4 him, i think he was trying to trap me. what hand can you put him on in this spot?
    Posted by freechips1

    He'd be trapping the table hoping for a re-raise by flatting AA/KK if he can have AK here I wouldn't be folding. 4 bet folding for 33 bbs even 120 bb deep seems bad. Had there been much squeezing up until now ?
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    edited March 2010
    none by him nor much by any1, when the short stack raised i thought i have to repop it to get rid of pairs and suited con, then he shoves. the fact that the short stack is in the hand means his hand will be shown more often than not? it seems strange to me to flat with AA,KK with so many players left to act.
    i think AK is a pos hand but, well a big but.  im a bit confused.
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: another one for beaneh:
    none by him nor much by any1, when the short stack pushed i thought i have to repop it to get rid of pairs and suited con, then he shoves. the fact that the short stack is in the hand means his hand will be shown more often than not? it seems strange to me to flat with AA,KK with so many players left to act. i think AK is a pos hand but, well a big but.  im a bit confused.
    Posted by freechips1
    Maybe he mis-click called pre lol
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    edited March 2010
    i prefer a shove over the £14 rather than raise to £33 with these stack sizes.

    as played insta call, you have odds to.

    equity win tie      pots won pots tied
    Hand 0: 38.824%   18.14% 20.68%      78295380 89232168.00   { AKo }
    Hand 1: 61.176%   40.50% 20.68%     174740892 89232168.00   { QQ+, AKs, AKo }

    he can have jacks too here sometimes as well cause he should know he's under repped his hand so far.

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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: another one for beaneh:
    In Response to Re: another one for beaneh : Maybe he mis-click called pre lol
    Posted by BrownnDog

    I wouldn't be at all surprised. The amount of mis-clicks I do!!!
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: another one for beaneh:
    i prefer a shove over the £14 rather than raise to £33 with these stack sizes. as played insta call, you have odds to. equity win tie      pots won pots tied Hand 0: 38.824%   18.14% 20.68%      78295380 89232168.00   { AKo } Hand 1: 61.176%   40.50% 20.68%     174740892 89232168.00   { QQ+, AKs, AKo } he can have jacks too here sometimes as well cause he should know he's under repped his hand so far.
    Posted by zing
    Nice work, i always forget how much equity ak actually has even against such a tight range lol.

    I think jacks could easily be in phils range as he would not want to 3bet that hand as freechips is most likely going to 4bet/fold out of postion (if phils going to fold jj to a 4bet his hand might aswell be 72),Phil knows freechips could be isolating the shorty with a light range as jj is the top of phils range. (im assuming he wouldnt mind getting qq all in pre)

    Intresting hand nice if phil would tell us what he had ;-)
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: another one for beaneh:
    nh phil i just cant get my head around the flat call. what if the rest of the table calls? the way it had played that was very pos.  your OOP with jj how do you play the hand from their?
    Posted by freechips1
    You have to ask yourself...why are we 3betting? we are either 3betting light to get the other player to fold (jj is to strong for this..use hands like A6s or 98s) or we are 3betting for value (Cant 3bet for value as phil knows your a good player and u will either fold or 4bet oop loosing all the value of jj if we fold).

    Against a loose passive player we would be 3betting this for value 100% of the time,as they will be 4betting their top hands and calling with alot of rubbish worse than ours.

    Although.....phils quote: Free had been 4 betting pre very regularly and I had been flatting a lot and happy to play down the streets in position vs him.

    If this quote is correct, then i am happy getting jj all in preflop against you and phil probably should of 3bet you instead of being fancy with his jacks.
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