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Someone explain his play please...

PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancetinah14Small blind 25.0025.002005.00ccfc48Big blind 50.0075.005505.00 Your hole cards
  • 8
  • A
   StephenBRaise 150.00225.001212.50GORDON31Fold    kenny205Fold    LightFanCall 150.00375.004000.00tinah14Fold    ccfc48Call 100.00475.005405.00Flop  
  • 10
  • 8
  • 2
   ccfc48Bet 356.25831.255048.75StephenBAll-in 1212.502043.750.00LightFanFold    ccfc48Raise 1712.503756.253336.25ccfc48Unmatched bet 856.252900.004192.50ccfc48Show
  • 7
  • K
  • 8
  • A
  • 3
  • K
   ccfc48WinPair of Kings2900.00 7092.50


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    edited March 2010
    ok sont know why the picture come like that but ok u can still see it...
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    edited March 2010

    Looking at the play, I would label him as a major bluffer who got lucky this tme, however was going all in with 8's and an ace knicker the right move on your part.

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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Someone explain his play please...:
    Looking at the play, I would label him as a major bluffer who got lucky this tme, however was going all in with 8's and an ace knicker the right move on your part.
    Posted by tictactoe
    who is he bluffing? caling a allin is not a bluff
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    edited March 2010
    tictactoe. was it the right move on my part you ask? quite clearly as i knew he had nothing as he kept doing this. and i went in as major favorite, it was a really bad call i just wanted to know if anyone could explain any reason he could do this?
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Someone explain his play please...:
    tictactoe. was it the right move on my part you ask? quite clearly as i knew he had nothing as he kept doing this. and i went in as major favorite, it was a really bad call i just wanted to know if anyone could explain any reason he could do this?
    Posted by StephenB
    If he kept doing this, then your play was spot on. We have all been playing someone who we know is bluffing and we wait for the right time to strike. I would just put it down to luck on his part.
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    edited March 2010
    i really think you need to question your own play, going all in with a player left behind you yet to act, with only middle pair......

    can someone explain YOUR play please.....
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Someone explain his play please...:
    tictactoe. was it the right move on my part you ask? quite clearly as i knew he had nothing as he kept doing this. and i went in as major favorite, it was a really bad call i just wanted to know if anyone could explain any reason he could do this?
    Posted by StephenB
    If he keeps doing this all the time then surely your going to get a better spot than 2nd pair top kicker?. You say you know he has nothing but if he is playing any 2 to raises then how is a 10 not possible? Don't get me wrong, it's an awful call on his behalf

    What buy-in was this? it may be that if this is a freeroll or low buy in then they either don't know any better as they are just starting out and hope to hit the king or they just don't care as the money is insignificant
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    edited March 2010
    this is standard for ccfc48, was this a bounty hunter by any chance? hes one of the many who I like to play pots with in the first level, robynair did a similar thing to me with K 7 and spiked a K, it happens but just put a note on them so you can remember next time.
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    edited March 2010
    This is just a bad beat after two bad plays. with the blinds at 25/50 level how on earth can you possibly "Know he has nothing" you have only been playing 20mins or so with him i would suggest you look back at the hands to see what gave him reason to make such a call I assume he MUST be thinking you are weak.
    Got to be honest they are both really bad plays but thats probably the majority of play at most levels, thats why its such a mine field playing tournys
    Dont worry too much about it, another time he folds
    I think you will have a good feeling by the end of this thread that you made a bad play but ask yourself what you are doing raising with a rag ace UTG it is asking for trouble I am a tight cash player so its a bit different tbf but A6-9 cost you far more then they make you
    unless you run like Sparce 
    Keep Smiling

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