I suppose you'll be wanting cash donations to cover the costs of rebuilding a new luxury pad, seeing as they've gone and built a housing estate where the old church was!
Ah my flock from the past are back on holy ground. Sorry it was closed for a while i couldnt pay the council tax and had to remorgage. Glad to see all the familier faces of all my brothers and sisters and those inbetween. I prey you all have been very very good or youll get the cat and nine tails. I visited the pope on my break and he convinced me to return and show you all the path of good poker and to forgive sky for there past sins, as we all ask for forgiveness for poker sins we have commited. The world series is around the corner and im preying that one of my flock make it, im sure one of us will then we can spread the word to the masses - them crazy americans will believe anything! so good luck with that and welcome back ive missed you all. By the way chastity belts are off so flirting is allowed in the church of dazler cos i know i cant controll you lot and most churches have a reputation these days. usualy the irish ones. Dont forget prey before you play and your sure to have a good day and make lots of pay 0:) bless this house and all who dwell god bless x
Ok Dazler, I'm getting ready to play in the semi's (wsop) tonight at 9 00....So Ive got my lucky meteor (stardust) ready , lucky poker chip , and a prayer to the poker fairy to sit on my shoulder tonight ..
All i need now is for Annie to rub my thigh and i'll be smokinggggggggggg . )
see ya laters peeps, and "lets be careful out there"!
poker angels benny not fairys they are on pinapple studios lol. Good luck m8 tonight if we all ask the angels to help you win, your chances will be good. I asked for an ipod a few years ago and i won one next day so it works. And if anny does rub you like people rub a buddas belly then forget smoking you will expode!!!!!!
Hubba Hubba
I can repent ...but i cant be @rsed .. I fighting the good fight with Dazzer hehehe
I'm on the Chianti as we chat
All i need now is for Annie to rub my thigh and i'll be smokinggggggggggg .
see ya laters peeps, and "lets be careful out there"!