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Re raising

I must admit i love to re raise for example 100 bet player 3 raises to 500 i re raise to 1200 so im thinking he is quaking in his boots prob putting me on AA KK QQ so when he calls i know im pushing him off the pot when high cards show on the flop but when it does and i push with my 8  3 and he calls instantly with set of aces im bemused am i playing re raises wrong as i personally think any two cards can win but i seem to run into sets every time once i had 9  4 clubs and re raised and i flopped the flush but he flopped it aswell with a k clubs .

I know most guys like raising in some fashion but when i was told thats how you play poker i went to the docs and got the blue tablets to help my raising ok its not helped the poker but for once the good lady is happy.


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