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call or fold????????






donkeyplop Small blind  25.00 25.00 2732.50
brad3rz19 Big blind  50.00 75.00 877.50
  Your hole cards
  • 10
  • J
lock56 Call  50.00 125.00 1730.00
theshark12 Fold     
moz9 Fold     
Stupid_Kid Fold     
donkeyplop Call  25.00 150.00 2707.50
brad3rz19 Check     
  • K
  • K
  • A
donkeyplop Check     
brad3rz19 Bet  50.00 200.00 827.50
lock56 Call  50.00 250.00 1680.00
donkeyplop Call  50.00 300.00 2657.50
  • Q
donkeyplop Bet  300.00 600.00 2357.50
brad3rz19 All-in  827.50 1427.50 0.00
lock56 Call  827.50 2255.00 852.50
donkeyplop Call  527.50 2782.50 1830.00
  • 3
donkeyplop Check     
lock56 All-in  852.50 3635.00 0.00


  • Options
    edited March 2010
    i called!

    even if you think one had full house i guess you have to call all day long right???
  • Options
    edited March 2010

    Looking through the hand, I call here to.  If they are limping in with AK or KQ pre flop then so be it.  We have hit the straight we were looking for so as you say if they have a full house then we take it on the chin and reload another tournie.

    The only thing I would question here is the turn call, what was the thinking behind this?  Why not push it all in there?

    Did they have k3???

  • Options
    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: call or fold????????:
    i called! even if you think one had full house i guess you have to call all day long right???
    Posted by donkeyplop

    No if you think they have a full house you fold because you only have a straight. he most likely have KQ.

    I would fold the flop fwiw.
  • Options
    edited March 2010
    i called on the turn as i thought i had both of them beat!!

    he didnt have king 3 though.

    i only didnt fold the flop as it was such a small raise i thought i would see one more card if i didnt hit that would of been it.
  • Options
    edited March 2010
    donkeyplop Small blind  25.00 25.00 2732.50
    brad3rz19 Big blind  50.00 75.00 877.50
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • J
    lock56 Call  50.00 125.00 1730.00
    theshark12 Fold     
    moz9 Fold     
    Stupid_Kid Fold     
    donkeyplop Call  25.00 150.00 2707.50
    brad3rz19 Check     
    • K
    • K
    • A
    donkeyplop Check     
    brad3rz19 Bet  50.00 200.00 827.50
    lock56 Call  50.00 250.00 1680.00
    donkeyplop Call  50.00 300.00 2657.50
    • Q
    donkeyplop Bet  300.00 600.00 2357.50
    brad3rz19 All-in  827.50 1427.50 0.00
    lock56 Call  827.50 2255.00 852.50
    donkeyplop Call  527.50 2782.50 1830.00
    • 3
    donkeyplop Check     
    lock56 All-in  852.50 3635.00 0.00
    donkeyplop Call  852.50 4487.50 977.50
    donkeyplop Show
    • 10
    • J
    brad3rz19 Show
    • 4
    • A
    lock56 Show
    • 8
    • K
    donkeyplop Win Straight to the Ace 4487.50  5465.00
    this is what happened ;)
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