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Bad Play or Bad Call?

Played in a DYM earlier today, I was absolutely spitting after the villan called, I have been playing quite tight, not showing any tendencies of getting out of line.......he has called this for 60+% of his chips if he loses he is big trouble

I guess its the old adage you can't bluff a bad player

bulevska04 Small blind  100.00 100.00 2780.00
TheAAces Big blind  200.00 300.00 1450.00
  Your hole cards
  • 8
  • 2
Villan Call  200.00 500.00 2470.00
BIGT870 Fold     
bulevska04 Fold     
TheAAces Check     
  • 3
  • 6
  • 10
TheAAces All-in  1450.00 1950.00 0.00
Villan Call  1450.00 3400.00 1020.00
TheAAces Show
  • 8
  • 2
Villan Show
  • A
  • Q
  • 6
  • J
Villan Win Pair of 6s 3400.00  4420.00


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    edited March 2010
    well, whats the difference if he calls you with a pair or Q 10 or sumthing similar, you still would of only had 9 outs to hit, I think if you check that he probably checks behind turn and river and you haven't gone out.

    I still can't explain the call, but in a DYM I don't think this was the correct time to shove.
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    edited March 2010
    I've started playing these again recently, and come to the conclusion SURVIVAL IS EVERYTHING. In this situation with your stack you still have 7 BB's which is a lot at this stage, in this hand you haven't made a raise or bet so don't have any idea what the villain has, he could easily have a big pair waiting for someone to shove. On the flop I personally would be just happy to see a turn card, the way you've played it your hoping he has nothing which is very risky especially at 4 handed. If this was a MTT a push is perfectly fine but one off the cash in a DYM you can't do it.

    Ofcourse the call feels pretty sick too leaving himself very short. I always wonder how some guys make these calls, I had a similar one call with 2's after checking to me on flop I pushed with draw he called, I could have had ANY pair but still he called, like you say NEVER bluff bad players.
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    edited March 2010

    I think you played the hand fine, with only 7 BBs left what else could you do but PUSH, if you check he will bet and you cant start calling a bet of 200/300 chasing your flush down two streets!!!

    I would of played the hand exactly the same, it was a bad call and you just got unlucky, imo i dont think a decent player would of called there, move up a level or two lol

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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Bad Play or Bad Call?:
    I think you played the hand fine, with only 7 BBs left what else could you do but PUSH, if you check he will bet and you cant start calling a bet of 200/300 chasing your flush down two streets!!! I would of played the hand exactly the same, it was a bad call and you just got unlucky, imo i dont think a decent player would of called there, move up a level or two lol
    Posted by goodylad21

    Hey, Goody I have been through your bins and now I'm hiding in the bushes..........give me a wave from the window.

    Yes, I need to move up a few levels, too many donks who can't laydown big starting hands regardless of any evidence to the contrary that they are probably behind................pffffff!!!!

    I have the guy noted so I know what to do with him next time.

    GL at the tables
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