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Is this correct play

suesex Small blind  50.00 50.00 1425.00
jackchar05 Big blind  100.00 150.00 3595.00
  Your hole cards
  • 2
  • A
Kinghenke7 Fold     
tiggy121 Fold     
K9HANDLER Fold     
The_Don90 Call  100.00 250.00 6510.00
suesex Call  50.00 300.00 1375.00
jackchar05 Check     
  • 4
  • 5
  • 3
suesex All-in  1375.00 1675.00 0.00
jackchar05 Fold     
The_Don90 Call  1375.00 3050.00 5135.00
suesex Show
  • 10
  • 4
The_Don90 Show
  • 2
  • A
  • Q
  • A
The_Don90 Win Straight to the 5 3050.00  8185.00
Now i dont usually play A2 but it was folded round to me. Flop straight with obviously over straights beating me so is it the correct call?


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    edited March 2010

    I think ur gonna get some stick for this one DON! lol

    Yes mate, I prefer to raise pre flop and get it in blind on blind with the stack sizes, but, yeh the flop call is correct :

    Ooooops edit - it isnt blind on blind! - But doesnt change anything, I still raising from the button with an ace.
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    edited March 2010

    Probably fold pre, although hard to say without reads on the other players,If i was going to play it i would raise 2.5x (my standard raise size) and then fold to a shove from the small blind pre (likely to be easily dominated).

    As played it is a standard call...we have the second nuts against a shortstack lol...if they had the higher straight 99% of sky poker players would slow play neway instead of shoving on the flop.
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    edited March 2010
    fold or raise pre, thats what i say.

    I think you should remove the open limp from your plays. Just my opinion.
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Is this correct play:
    Probably fold pre, although hard to say without reads on the other players,If i was going to play it i would raise 2.5x (my standard raise size) and then fold to a shove from the small blind pre (likely to be easily dominated) . As played it is a standard call...we have the second nuts against a shortstack lol...if they had the higher straight 99% of sky poker players would slow play neway instead of shoving on the flop.
    Posted by DeuceAK-47
    *cough* third nuts *cough*
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Is this correct play:
    In Response to Re: Is this correct play : *cough* third nuts *cough*
    Posted by kirstii
    yeh i know, i realised after i posted lol...does'nt matter though as i most likely would not fold tpgk in this situation :-)
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Is this correct play:
    In Response to Re: Is this correct play : yeh i know, i realised after i posted lol...does'nt matter though as i most likely would not fold tpgk in this situation :-)
    Posted by DeuceAK-47
    fair shout lol
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Is this correct play:
    fold or raise pre, thats what i say. I think you should remove the open limp from your plays. Just my opinion.
    Posted by kirstii
    Im not 100% sure why but i often do these limps with weak aces or low connectors ora middling hand.
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    edited March 2010
    In Response to Re: Is this correct play:
    In Response to Re: Is this correct play : Im not 100% sure why but i often do these limps with weak aces or low connectors ora middling hand.
    Posted by The_Don90
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