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Team DP - Most Valuable Players

There seems to be some dispute over the team designation for roshambo!
If anyone can shed some light on the subject it would be most appreciated, thank you!


  • edited March 2010
    Here is the Leg One list of our most valuable players.
    If you cashed for the GREEN ARRRRRMMY and are not on the list please let me know!
  • edited April 2010
    ffulb Bluff Returning Officer £40.00
    MRBURNS4 Chief Executive £25.00
    thedub Official Masseur £16.00
    SoLack Chief Goat Starer £12.00
    Shy Ted Wine Taster £7.00
    roshambo Chief Misdirector £6.00
    hazzer Official Person Who Has.... £5.00
    kitkat593 Deputy Head Of Confectionary £5.00
    Ncolley Security Officer £5.00
    NUTTY_TART Head Of Desserts £5.00
    porkerman Bringer Of The Bacon £5.00
    weedheed Surfer Hit Squad £5.00
    belsibub Captain Of The Underworld £4.50
    gooligan Knight Of The Oval Table £4.50
    BADBOY985 Official Bad *ss £4.00
    Queeg Knight Of The Oval Table £4.00
    DAVE2856 Head Of The Double Up £3.50
    BMG1 Initial Responce Team £3.00
    FAGASHLILL Two Smokin' Barrels £3.00
    jaysea5 Initial Responce Team £3.00
    lacsap French Rearguard £2.50
    nash7tx14 Surfer Hit Squad £2.00
    SolarCarro Chief Organiser £2.00
  • edited March 2010
    tikay said roshambo is ours.
  • edited March 2010
    Posts: 7224
    First: 20/5/2009
    Last: 30/3/2010

    i dont know whos team im one
    Posted by Roshambo

    You are a DP-er.
    in the first page of the progress thread
  • edited March 2010
    Assuming roshambo is "Green" and all other information received is correct, the latest KNOWN stats are as follows (as of 11.30pm):

    Team Horlicks Guzzlers - £166.50
    The Beautiful Green Arrrrmmy - £156.00

    Of course this is only KNOWN players and not the final totals, obviously, but it's still VERY VERY CLOSE!!!

    Nobody can celebrate just yet!!!

    Note to Jan - Please check and verify these figures! Thanks
  • edited March 2010
    Thanks Darlomike! Gonna have to make you Chief Investigator I think! lol
  • edited March 2010
    Latest UNOFFICIAL Standings:

    Team Extraordinarily Lucky - £172.50


    Unidentified Flying Cashers - £157.50

    Absolutely nothing in it as it stands - this will probably come down to "a word" from Tikay.........AGAIN!

  • edited March 2010
    In Response to Team DP - Most Valuable Players:
    Here is the Leg One list of our most valuable players. If you cashed for the GREEN ARRRRRMMY and are not on the list please let me know!
    Posted by DiggerMan
    Thanks for posting my name on cash list we must beat TK OAP team
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