I was assured by customer service they are working on the problem as we speak/type. All funds will be refunded through out the day once the problem is fixed, no need to request them. Fingers crossed.
They have to give you the benefit of the doubt and at least refund you what you put in the pot so far, have u checked hand histories to see if you were folded out?
go to your account, i think it says whichever table if you remember and you can like yb says, check your starting balance or your ending balance of previous hand.
Im gonna get shafted here arent I I hate you sky Its a good job the players are sh/1te it really is worth putting up with just because of that Thats another bad beat tonight, inflicted by the fricken site. If I had anywhere near average luck, id be a millionnaire. Cmn Webby we're goin down the pub Posted by DOHHHHHHH
2010-04-01 01:12:32 473393624 Cash Table Gravesend Micro No Limit £22.34 £72.34 Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Appropriate name for a dead poker table!!!
You will get your money back Dohhhhhh, just not until the day staff arrive to sort it in the morning! Try online rather than over the phone...nothing worse than being in a queue to let you know that they can't do anything until tommorow!!!
TRIP5 - my worry is, I dont know myself how much Im owed, as I was on several tables - I will surrender my money invested in the pot, just to get my stack behind back
Btw I just sucked out so so so so bad for a 300 x bb pot....so feel abit better
TRIP5 - my worry is, I dont know myself how much Im owed, as I was on several tables - I will surrender my money invested in the pot, just to get my stack behind back Btw I just sucked out so so so so bad for a 300 x bb pot....so feel abit better but still worried Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Nice suck out btw!!! Bet that guy is flopping hopping mad, first frozen table then probably tilted to the hilt shove, only to get you on the other end...lol What did you hit a full house from a 23off v pocket AA??
Seriously, If the tables are iffy best leave it til the morn...Your cash hand history will tell you how much you had at the end of the last hand on each of the tables you were at, and if not I hear SKY_RICH is a bit of a maveric whizz kid )
trip 5! why hasnt my last lookalike cleared yet~?? Posted by DOHHHHHHH
SKY_RICH et al had already left for the day when you posted it so I won't get approved until the morn...same with mine on Lolly thread one...just the way it goes hun!
Hi, you will have to contact us on the free phone number after about 30 minutes and we will be able to refund you as our systems are down
that was for my sit an go problem, apparently they are having problems.
but yeh, i got disconnected from that person now going back to the queue lol.... took ages to get the number
I was assured by customer service they are working on the problem as we speak/type. All funds will be refunded through out the day once the problem is fixed, no need to request them. Fingers crossed.
they come in all shapes sizes and technical problems lol
Found a new crush now the el master webbo is off the radar?
Kids today...they're soooooooo fickle ;o)
You will get your money back Dohhhhhh, just not until the day staff arrive to sort it in the morning! Try online rather than over the phone...nothing worse than being in a queue to let you know that they can't do anything until tommorow!!!
Seriously, If the tables are iffy best leave it til the morn...Your cash hand history will tell you how much you had at the end of the last hand on each of the tables you were at, and if not I hear SKY_RICH is a bit of a maveric whizz kid
Huge apologies for the problems last night/ today.
Please consolidate all your posts on the subject in this thread here
Thank you