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Tonight TK will be victorious

 Have any of you ever worked with a group of talented people and you just couldn’t figure out why you guys were not on top? Well, individually, all of you were probably, skillful, extremely talented, and reasonably intelligent, some a little more than others.
 Collectively, all of you were resourceful and experienced, Anyone looking from the outside just couldn’t figure it out, why this amazing group of individuals were not on top of their game, why you were not scoring the touchdowns, why you were not making three point shots from mid court, and why you just could not make it to the finish line.
 When you looked around, other less than talented and qualified teams were moving with lighting speed to the top. Why you say? Well, it might have been, because you were not operating as a team. Maybe each of you chose personality over principal.
 If you analyze any successful team, you will see that there are major compromises and commitments made on part of every individual. They all agreed to put their cards on the table. To accept what is necessary and to move forward as one. As a team. The team, is why you are all together. It is the only principle.
The challenge is to make us a winning team again, I came up with the:

The ABC’s of A Winning Team

(A) Audacity- Be daring, be a little outrageous. Think outside the box, in fact you may even want to redesign the box.
(B) Believe-Be assertive and self-confident. Believe in yourself and believe in the team. Know the purpose and believe in its success.
(C) Communicate. Talk out the challenges and concerns before they become problems. Don’t carry around a chip on your shoulder.
(D) Determination-Don’t let anything stand in the way of the success. Because when you are on top or trying to reach the top, you can bet, others are determined to keep you from the top.
(E) Effective-Be result oriented. Give your best and expect the best.
(F) Forgiving-We are all human (some more than others), and we will make mistakes. We may say or do something that is regrettable. If we want forgiveness, we have got to be forgiving.
(G) Goals- Set big goals, but make sure you set some small ones as well, so you will not feel unaccomplished if you aren’t able to reach the big ones.
(H) Honesty –That happens to be the most important quality to exhibit when working with a team, but you must also be honest with yourself.
(I) Individuality-Embrace your uniqueness, that’s who you are, and don’t make excuses for it. Just be considerate of the team.
(J) Jovial-Keep a sense of humor. Even when you are losing, you have got to keep your head up, and not to take yourself so seriously. Learn to laugh at yourself. Laugh with others when they laugh at you. That will disarm your enemies and unite your team.
(K) Keenness-Show sincere enthusiasm and sharpness for the team and your individual teammates’ successes.
(L) Listen-When you really listen to someone, it means you are making the effort to hear him or her.
(M) Motivate-Find ways to motivate and encourage yourself and your teammates.
(N) Negotiation-Discuss and compromise. It’s a talent for some, and it is a learned skill for others.
(O) Opportunity-You have got to recognize an opportunity when you see it, hear it, feel it, smell it, touch it. And when you do, seize it. Because the window of opportunity does not stay open forever.
(P) Planning- A successful team has a plan for success. It does not happen by accident. “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” is not just a quote, it is reality.
(Q) Qualification-Make sure you are qualified for the position that you hold within the team. The success of the project usually depends on it.
( R) Respect-. Don’t dismiss anyone else’s point of view, or feelings. Think about it, before you say it, or before you do it, because you can’t take it back.
(S) Surrender-Stop fighting among yourselves, and save the energy for the competition.
(T) Terminate-Know when it is time to go, and the real hard one, when it is time to ask someone else to go.
(U) Unity- Your opinions and interests must be kept harmonious and respectful, even when you don’t agree.
(V) Vision- Exercise the ability to anticipate the future based on the efforts and individual preparation of your teammates.
(W) Willing- Avail your self when you are needed.
(X)- When I got down to X I just could not figure it out. So I know I am going to be in trouble with all of those grammarians out there, but here it is. I came up with X-amine. Look at everything, analyze. Be prepared to find and offer solutions to challenges the team may and will encounter.
(Y) Yielding-Know how and when… to give and take.
(Z) Zest and Zeal-If you enjoy what you do, others will know it, and they will enjoy it too



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