If I were a mouse And could run around the house There are plenty of things I'd like to do Like run under chairs And try to climb the stairs And scare my mum a little too
I could fit in the cracks That lead behind the bath And see what insects were down there I could go high and low Go where only mouses go And wander around without a care
I could eat all the cheese Without ever saying please And watch what other people do From my place down there And with my agile mouse-like flair I could scamper up, around and through
But then there's the cat Who would think I was a rat And I wouldn't want to get caught in his teeth So I'd make myself small Wrapped up in a tiny ball And roll myself under his feet
If I were a mouse I would never leave the house There'd be lots of new things to do and see But I wouldn't go outside No, especially not at night So I think a mouse is what I'll be
or...maybe she's just a bit cheesed off!!
I got caught in your trap
GOGO Magic m0u5e
Keep going...we'll help you in the cat defence league ;o)
And could run around the house
There are plenty of things I'd like to do
Like run under chairs
And try to climb the stairs
And scare my mum a little too
I could fit in the cracks
That lead behind the bath
And see what insects were down there
I could go high and low
Go where only mouses go
And wander around without a care
I could eat all the cheese
Without ever saying please
And watch what other people do
From my place down there
And with my agile mouse-like flair
I could scamper up, around and through
But then there's the cat
Who would think I was a rat
And I wouldn't want to get caught in his teeth
So I'd make myself small
Wrapped up in a tiny ball
And roll myself under his feet
If I were a mouse
I would never leave the house
There'd be lots of new things to do and see
But I wouldn't go outside
No, especially not at night
So I think a mouse is what I'll be
Please m0u5e...Don't move house!!! xx
Will be seeing spots before her eyes before the night is done.
It's sent MOu5ebumps all down my spine !!
Apparently Two presenters got sacked and went to work for Talksport!!
She has gone missing, and taken to wearing a disguise with Mou5etache