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TKO III - III - Transfer Sheet
Ok, Herr Kendal,
before the horns lock across the roulette tables at dusk, here are my offers:
daz231023 - £15
vaigret - £5
TRIP5 - £12.50
bornablade - £12.50
Millers13 - £12.50
TK - £50
0 ·
OK Fitzy, here's the deal.
Daz asked to be transferred to your motley crew, & I don't want disaffected Team tikay Members, so he can go, & with my blessing. He's a good guy, & I wish him well.
You can have him for £15, & in return, I'll take Orful Orford off your hands for for free. He's mithering me shocking to be my number 2 - well, number 647 - & if it makes Mr "Ooh-I-Forgot-My-Car" happy, then who are we to argue?
Do we have a deal?
Reply either "YES" or "YES.
Just to let you know chrisbhoy wishes to be transfered to team tikay.
Stick the £100 in the kitty for the freeroll we're going to get when we win this thing.
he shall be medicated also.
as for the "offer" TK: you should have to ply the Orford out of my cold dead hands.
9-3-off for example.
i know he's smug, and looks a little weird, and also hides teabags in his shoes in wardrobe, but i kinda like the critter, and he does cash!
so, with all that in mind, i propose the following...
i'll give £15 for daz,
(and all other suggested transfers above)
...and you'll give £20 for ORfORd
but there's no way we can line his silk'n'fur pockets any further, so i propose that we add it to a/c of the person who is willng to defect from team TK for the lowest amount.
all those who like making pirate sounds, say eye.
all those who like making horse sounds, say nay,
DP my favourite little Irish Gent of a thousand drunken songs.....I'll come on a free!!!
I'm a Chief Anti-Railer....GET ME OUT OF HEEEEEEEERE!!!!!!
Yours in anticipation...Trippy
Posted by Action_Dan
Lol! That made me really laugh!
Was it a 300 runner MTT that day?
FACT NUMBER 1- I haven't spoken to Tikay for about 6 days so where all this 'mithering' is coming from beats me.
FACT NUMBER 2- He's delusional. See FACT 1.
FINAL POINT- Did I say at any stage that I would LIKE to be on Tikay's team? The thought of it makes me feel quite queazy tbh, but DP is tchucking me about like cheap aftershave.
Therefore I have no choice but to watch in horror as the transfer negotiations rumble on...
Would you not save a poor, helpless puppy that has been left on the side of a road to fall prey to any number of predators?
Would you not be sympathetic to a desperate, homeless child in need of a good meal and a safe place to stay?
Would you not give a helping hand to that heavily pregnant woman who is trying to carry her shopping to the car?
And would you not help an old man who has long since seen better days to finally get his wish to lie back and relax on a Tuesday evening without having try and rally his battle weary and somewhat dysfunctional tribe?
I know you would for I know you are all good people!
So I feel it is our duty to free those poor tortured souls who, through no fault of their own, have become outcasts in Burgundy Fields! They are in a living helI and we have the power to release them!
........Although I’m not sure that offering up our “Spiritual Leader”, the God Orford (er, that’s God Orford and NOT God Awful!) as the sacrificial lamb is the right way to go. Some unsuspecting no-show would be far better imo!
Go Team TK we can do it.
If you do come over Rich I for one will welcome you into the flock.
i thought you and i had a handshake!?
what's all this "go team tk" blasphamy coming from?
we negotiated a good deal - £5, no?
is there nothing to be said for saying another mass fr?
and as for you dicky of Ord...
you can take you're heels and make up with you.
i never wanna see your filthy face around here again.
there's rings on all the tables, knaw marks on the sofas, and where are all the teabags gone?
i feel betrayed, violated, and often drunk in the mornings.
Obviously he rates me more than a £5 and as I cashed in the roulette for £3 I hope my fee has now gone up.
Still open to offers but I will be loyal to my team til the fat lady sings.
I leave it with you both.
If I could nominate a single post of the week it would be this one
I do love a riled Irisher...