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Too aggro with AK?

As the title says, am im too aggresive here with ony tp tk

Its a NL8, No real reads on the players, only been sat for 5mins or so, Just player A leads out the flop into me, and i just didnt put him on a strong hand, kq/kj or something.

When they both shove to my flop raise, then im pretty sure im behind, but its only few quid more to call into 18quid pot.

So my questions are, is that flop raise good? or too big? should i just fold to the 2 shoves? As always any advice and tips is welcome cheers!

B Small blind
£0.04 £0.04 £4.84
didi200326 Big blind   £0.08 £0.12 £6.99
  Your hole cards
  • A
  • K
A Raise   £0.32 £0.44 £8.51
Norbit Raise   £0.80 £1.24 £10.87
Schmodz Fold        
B Call   £0.76 £2.00 £4.08
didi200326 Fold        
A Call   £0.48 £2.48 £8.03
  • 9
  • 4
  • K
B Check        
A Bet   £0.96 £3.44 £7.07
Norbit Raise   £4.00 £7.44 £6.87
B All-in   £4.08 £11.52 £0.00
A All-in   £7.07 £18.59 £0.00
Norbit Call   £4.03 £22.62 £2.84
B Show
  • Q
  • 10
A Show
  • 9
  • 9
Norbit Show
  • A
  • K
  • 2
  • 7
A Win Three 9s £21.49   £21.49


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    edited April 2010
    Love the re-raise pre and then again on the flop - you're being the aggressor and let's be honest, most would've called down bets on that flop/turn/river anyway so sometimes we need to accept we're going to lose, no matter when the money goes in! You're still going to get interesting/optimistic play at these levels as you can see from "B" hand so as you said, it's another £4 when it comes round to you so getting over 4/1 on your money is definite call for me! We can't always worry about flopped sets :(
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    edited April 2010
    Couldn't agree more with dan- exactly how I see it. The two allins are the opposite ends of the spectrum- one with a flopped set, one with an inside straight draw- set is a no-brainer, straight draw should be folding. You had a big hand pre, raised it solidly, a massive hand on the flop, and bet it well. Probably 80% of the time you're taking away a big pot, if not more than 80%. Based on the play there, those allins could have been near anything- runner runner for flush, A high, anything- great betting in my opinion, and unlucky to run into a bigger hand.
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    edited April 2010
    Cheers for the comments guys,

    Yea i dont mind losing this hand, all part of the game, but just wondering if i played it too aggressive?...Looking back me raising to 4 is basically comminting myself, do i want to do that in this spot?

    Its the lead out by player A that made me think he was weak trying to protect his hand, What do you guys think of the lead out? do you think its weak or strong? Its deffo something i will be looking at more.

    But once again thanks for your comments as always!
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    edited April 2010
    I personally think you need to be able to get away from top pair top kicker even at micros, so id just flat the donk bet by A and re-evaluate turn.
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    edited April 2010
    You played it fine.

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    edited April 2010
    You bet about 40% of your stack on the flop. Why did you bet this amount?
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    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: Too aggro with AK?:
    You bet about 40% of your stack on the flop. Why did you bet this amount?
    Posted by BigBluster
    Omg did you read of any of this thread? let alone the title, the main aim was too find out if i was aggressive and i asked if i bet too big.

    ...I dunno why i bet 40%, i just wanted to raise strong, incase you didnt notice im not that great hence playing nl8.

    Like, can i bet 2.50 then fold to the all in? as i said looking back i thought i committed myself by raising too big.
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    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: Too aggro with AK?:
    I personally think you need to be able to get away from top pair top kicker even at micros, so id just flat the donk bet by A and re-evaluate turn.
    Posted by BlackFish3

    Ok 2c on the turn, they bet strong again, your move?
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    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: Too aggro with AK?:
    In Response to Re: Too aggro with AK? : Really? Ok 2c on the turn, they bet strong again, your move?
    Posted by Norbit
    It's a horrible spot to be in, i didn't think their flop bet was strong at all, im just looking to get to a cheap showdown here but without stacking off. I've probably got their weaker ace crushed but im wary because it was 3 way to the flop top pair top kicker might not be the best hand that's why i would just flat it down.

    Basically im just looking to call it down. I feel that if i raise i kill action from the weaker hands that are donk betting at me. If they check any street then obviously im value betting it.

    Just something to think about... get value from your strong hands like 2 pair + and avoid stacking off with 1 pair seems to work well for me at the micro stakes.
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    edited April 2010
    btw don't beat yourself up over this hand it was fine. Just can consider other ways to play it that's all. I personally would fold to the 2 all ins despite getting great odds... i would expect to be crushed.
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    edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: Too aggro with AK?:
    In Response to Re: Too aggro with AK? : It's a horrible spot to be in, i didn't think their flop bet was strong at all, im just looking to get to a cheap showdown here but without stacking off. I've probably got their weaker ace crushed but im wary because it was 3 way to the flop top pair top kicker might not be the best hand that's why i would just flat it down. Basically im just looking to call it down. I feel that if i raise i kill action from the weaker hands that are donk betting at me. If they check any street then obviously im value betting it. Just something to think about... get value from your strong hands like 2 pair + and avoid stacking off with 1 pair seems to work well for me at the micro stakes.
    Posted by BlackFish3
    If it is, and you don't raise, chances are it aint gonna be much longer!!

    Seriously blackfish how do you EVER win a big pot? - Sometimes you just have to get the money in. You 3 bet properly with AK pre flop and you get King 9 3 rainbow. How perfect is that?

    King ten, King Jack, King queen, all come along.

    Ive spoken with Noribit about the hand, and reckon a smaller raise is an option, but certainly not with a view to getting away, it's just a matter of figuring out how to get the money in on that flop - thats opponent dependant.

    Bfish u shud play the deepstack tournys, on other sites, you would NEVER commit your stack, so I couldn't ever see you failing to cash.

    Theres 2 hands that beat you realistically in the above scenario Norbit, you were just unlucky to run into one of them,....

    Questions for anyone who's going down the pot control line with a monster hand against 2 opponents .....

    1 - if you hit trips or top 2 on the turn, do you feel any more comfortable about your hand? - If so why, what has it changed? - What can you beat now that you couldn't before? Are you gonna convince yourself you have outs to the full house, and the correct implied odds to justify getting your stack in this way?

    2 - Would you rather lose your money in a cooler situation, or one where your opponent hit his bingo card on the turn or the river, and you bleed off chips/get stacked by rag aces/kings time n time again.

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    edited April 2010

    reraise more pre, fist pump get monies in and be very happy about it

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