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(a) Team Poker Extravaganza!! - Post your teams here!

["...maybe you can hire..."]

Hey guys,

Hopefully by now you've all seen the thread i started over in good old GPC about the upcoming Team poker events. Exciting stuff eh?!

Well, as promised here are the 'official' details.

The format

The events will be completely free and will start on Monday the 10th of May!
It will have a similar format to TKO but instead of being spread over weeks there will be one event every night for 5 nights (10th-14th May).
Teams need to be made up of 10 members but there will be no limit to the amount of teams that can enter. Unfortunately players can only be in one team so make sure you all choose wisely!

What you need to do

Each team need to elect a captain and post the name of each team member on this very thread. You'll also need to come up with a team name (which isn't offensive and a maximum of 25 characters, including spaces). unfortunately there are no substitutes and you'll need to register before the closing date of midnight on the 6th of May!

The Prizes

The combined sum of the team's prize money in each event will determine where they finish (just like TKO). Every Member of the overall winning team will win a free seat in the Primo (17th May) with the overall event MVP winning (£50), 2nd (£30) and 3rd (£20) ...and as another added little something we'll even give the winning team 'star avatars' to use on the tables for a week after the events!

Remember guys, if your new or don't think you have 10 immediate friends in the community, it doesn't matter... just start a new thread asking to be in a team or to start your own and i'm certain you'll get yourself in/make your own team pretty easily!

We’ll do a league after each event (morning after) to keep you all updated.

so, what are you waiting for...

Post your team name, captain and members list here now!

(Remember for your team to qualify it has to be posted on this thread!)

as always, any questions - just shout!




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