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Don't know if this is the correct forum to post in, or if has been asked before.
Anyway when scrolling through the cash tables especially at higher stakes you see certain players ie WeAreOnTv sitting with cash but NEVER playing anyone, whats that all about??
Anyone explain?
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But he just waits for lower stakes players to come up n take a gamble at higher stakes n takes their moneys.
To tthe OP - The simple answer is they are waiting to play someone but do not wish to do it against people they have little to no edge against. If regs just play regs then it is likely that many would not return a profit as they are playing people of similar of better quality. If they abstain from playing people they know then they will have large periods of inactivity but will be more likley to turn a profit when a rich "Recriational" player sits for a game with them
I don't take gambles with my mortgage money as i'm sure is the same for you, it's perfectly understandable that people playing for a living NEED to turn a profit and therefore don't waste their time playing players they can only break even against -
Thata being said there are a lot of high stakes regs that play each other so it's horses for courses i suppose