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Does Any one Else Agree The Cards Dealt To You On sky Poker are not random its the worst site ive ever played for
bad beats say for example id check qq no over cards on the flop but if i made a bet before the turn guaranteed over card and defeat give me random cards sky?
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Ive also dabled with Pokerstars and it was just as bad there so in the end. ITS POKER.
When youve had 3 to 5 months of outdraws and bad calls winning then come back and moan, as you have to remember if you are outdraw you were ahead every time.
Iknow your going to bin this one as we cant denigrate other sites off.
fill yer boots lad lol
But seriously, the people who are complaining about this are the people that don't understand, or accept varience. Accepting this fact helps with dealing with bad beats.