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Cover your tells with alzheimers
I have just started playing real poker live and have been more successful than on-line. Apparently people get no tells from me (this is because I can't remember what hole cards I've got). On line, the cards are face up all the time, however in live games you have to remember. If I don't know I'm bluffing, nor will my opponents.
I also use music to temper my play - if I'm too aggressive, I put slow songs on, and if I want to get active I go to full on rock music - my play adjusts automatically (this also works in the car - rock music if I'm late, normal music the rest of the time).
The worst thing about playing live poker is the noise - all those chips riffling... aaagh. It's like being in a room full of demented crickets.
Would like advice on playing against intimidating players (the ones that think they are like Mike Matusou & Phil Helmuth) - what's the best way of playing these guys (again, don't get this on line - if someone gets chopsy in the chat room, I leave chat & go into a different tab).
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