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MP`s, the things they say............and what they REALLY mean
To celebrate (not) election week and all the lies we will be fed until the big day, lets translate the cack that we hear from the MP`s who are actually in their constituencies as often as snow.
Will get the ball rolling with this all-party, timeless classic......
WHAT THEY SAY........."We Will Improve Efficiency"
WHAT THEY REALLY MEAN..........."Job Cuts"
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TRANSLATES AS.............We will do absolutely nothing about it whatsoever and if you moan about it your bigots.
We will have an enquiry.
TRANSLATES AS...........Lets waste a couple of million quid sweeping this under the carpet, sack absolutely nobody then publish the lessons learned and do what we should have been doing in the first place.
My right honourable friend.
TRANSLATES AS..............That dishonourable lying, fiddling, scumbag over there.
THEY MEAN you ordinary people are gonna suffer,it aint gonna affect me in the slightest now where did i put my bollinger.
lying scumbags
they mean - unless i get offered enough
they say - you see my expenses are all legal
they mean - yesss i've found another loophole
They Mean..........Your council tax WILL be going up again.
They mean.... lies, damn lies and statistics.
They say......We have to do something about 'binge drinking'
They mean...Nice excuse to tax alcohol to death.
They Mean........PLEASE vote for me, I am siht-scared that my life of luxury as an MP may be drawing to a close.
they mean....i will WORK at improving my bank balance, i will WORK at finding new ways to spend time in beautiful foriegn locations, and will WORK at rembering where all the skeletons are hidden for my bestselling 'dish the dirt' novel