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Fed up!

edited May 2010 in The Shed
 I had a operation on my ear over 7 months ago which left me with vertigo (a balance problem nothing to do with hights!).
 Recovery as been slow but steady, 3 weeks ago I thought I was almost ready to go back to work but over the last few days my balance as not been great again. This knock back as made me feel fed up with everything. I cant bring myself to play poker and my posts on the forum are becoming less frequent (no cheers please).
 I am even getting fed up of football but thats understandable as I am a Bury fan.
 I dont know why have posted all this. Maybe I am just attention seeking or maybe I am just off unloading my feelings to people I cant see yawn.
 Self pity is not a good thing and I know their are people allot worse of than myself but what do you do when you you become so fed up with everything you cant be even bothered doing things to try to cheer yourself up?


  • edited May 2010
  • edited May 2010
    Go to the zoo and flip off the monkeys. ;-)
  • edited May 2010

    I have tinitus......


    It was hard to get used to at first but getting easier, im paranoid everytime I hear ringing tho, not sure if its in my head or
  • edited May 2010

    hi there donut,i think the doctors may have missed something,its not the vertigo thats giving you all the grief, its that big flopping hole in your head that they aint plugged,haha.

  • edited May 2010
    Im a Bury fan to mate so dont think that is the cause of your illness lol 
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Fed up!:
    I have tinnitus...... Incurable..... It was hard to get used to at first but getting easier, im paranoid everytime I hear ringing tho, not sure if its in my head or
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
     My Tinnitus is more of a wooshing whistling sound. Think untuned radio.
     It only becomes annoying to me when I try listening to certain peoples voices and I cant pick out all the words and you can see them getting frustrated because they think you are not listening.
  • edited May 2010

    Ur first person Ispoke to who has it...mine just sounds like atmosphere.....probably what the moon sounds like! lol

    Im sure its the reason I need a beer to play poker, I cant concentrate otherwise.......

    I always need the TV on to sleep.....

    Really scary at first, damn Turkish doctors and theyre weapons!!!
  • edited May 2010
    In Response to Re: Fed up!:
    Ur first person Ispoke to who has it...mine just sounds like atmosphere.....probably what the moon sounds like! lol Im sure its the reason I need a beer to play poker, I cant concentrate otherwise....... I always need the TV on to sleep..... Really scary at first, damn Turkish doctors and theyre weapons!!!
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
     It could be worse some people hear a constant clicking sound or knocking sound that must make it totally impossible to sleep! I must admit I have no problem sleeping these days I think my brain as accepted the sound.
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