Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
after watching the now legendary press conference that steve mclaren gave in his best dutch accent,i for one cant wait for his press conference to his new fellow country men following his move to his new german will be a mixture of monty python,john cleese & dads army. i can picture him now dressed up in jack boots & a long black leather coat spouting "VE HAVE VAYS OF VINNING ZE TITLE, IF MY ORDERS ARE OBEYED AT ALL TIMES, ZOSE ZAT DISOBEY VILL GO ON ZE LIST" while doing the goosestep.
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He will sound like a cross between Herr Flick and That German tart off blazing saddles lool