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Playstation3 Users.....Can someone help???
Hello Shedsters, after failing to get a hold of a "Limited Edition" copy of Red Dead Redemption for my son yesterday, (mainly due to the fact he waited until this week to tell me about it) I could really do with some help from a gamer who knows about these things.
Have basically been told by the shop that I have now got next to no chance of getting one, as they are unlikely to be getting anymore copies in. Had to buy a standard edition of the game instead, and my son is giving me a sore head because he does not have any downloadable content.
Does anyone know if the codes for the limited edition content will be generally available to buy? and if so, how long is it normally before this stuff is generally available?
Had a look on a well known auction web-site, and the "codes" are being sold for £20 a chuck!!!!!
Does anyone know of another site where the codes can be bought?
Thank You
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lol Rich, the boy is still moody that he cant get the download stuff....
He says the game is good, and another game he got yesterday....Mod something??? is good too.
He is big on the shooting games.....quite good at a few of them, especialy Uncharted2.
But I am saving my money for the new UFC game.
I heard it's the most expensive game ever produced and has taken five years to code (?) Dunno if that's true but it's what ma mate down the pub said.
Looks like he has 3 realistic options now.
1. Wait until the Download Content is widely available (surely wont be that long!!).
2. Trade-in (or sell) the Game and buy a limited edition one on one of the sites suggested.
3. Continue to do my crust "Right-In"
The game is excellent, what you'd expect from a Rockstar game, It basically is GTA: Wild West, which is a good thing in my book. Takes a while to get used to the controls though. I often forget what button it is to slow the horse down and end up trampling people.
Maybe he would enjoy them more? hahaha