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Guess Banana Dog's real name
Ok we know she is a woman - that narows it right down.
She is a pokerholic.
We know she has a doboerman, which is apparenty a big dog, abit like my ex, but Im sure its much better behaved.
She loves to double her money, sometimes 4 times at once.
I reckon it's got to be Viky.......
EDIT - If I got it right, its a pure guess, another one of DOHHHHH'S soul reads

do not freak out !!
0 ·
either that or sarah-jane
Danielle FTW
Wiki tells us that the welsh version of Victoria (Vicki) is ............... Buddug
Either that or its one of them other welsh names that has three Gs, four Ws and two Ys in it but usually ends up being pronounced Tracy.
I'll give you a clue...starts with J
ps, my Dobe is NOT well behaved...he's a hypo lunatic! My Golden Retriever is not much better either!!!
Haha that narrows it down. Great letter by the way, Im 2 of them
Well obviously its likely to be Jackie, Joan, Janet, Julie.....
I'll go for Jodie tho!
Well done!, this lad at school used to sing that at me everytime I walked past...drove me mad!!!!
ps, this is my hubby everyone (say hiya!) and he knows I hate being called Juliet cos my Dad's mate always called me it when I was little!!!!
Gonna kick your botty later Kev!!!
This one is Dohhhhhhh's...
...right I really must go to work cos your all distracting me here!!!