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Tell me sky poker isn't fixed
In the only time I played in a live MTT with 20 runners left and in about 16 position I was dealt the following hands consecutively
and I lost to worse starting hands
so Sky aint fixed.
And there's little point in giving out hand numbers cos we cant see them, not that it matters anyways, cos as I said Sky aint fixed
Hope you feel better that someone answered your question
0 ·
Just remind me, please WHY Sky Poker would fix it - & who exactly would benefit from that?
Same table all these hands in the space of 2 hours, i flop top pair 4 times, go all in and come up against ace ace twice, jack jack twice, a straight flush once, and the best one i get 7 8 in the bb 788ace and another card loads of clubs down, i got 8's over 7's but guess what im against ace ace for the third time in 2 hours bye bye bank roll and bye bye sky poker time to leave and try somewhere else. Too much of a coincidence for me to believe that you hit on ace ace 3 times at the same table, cba to post the hands but they are some where in the numbers below
"You Need Hands"
As Max Bygraves used to say.
Green 5 and 1.....51
IT IS!!!!!!..........catch up man
Cant see the hands - only u can - post them and people will be able to help you.
there is a little icon at the top of .......
Seriously, some days it just isn't your day. Been there, lots of times!
hope this helps
Sky Poker is not fixed & the reason is we all have good days & bad ones. I used to let the bad beats get to me and i let it affect my game big time so to get rid of my negative thoughts whenever i have a bad beat i check the hand history to see if i could of played it different & most of the time it was because i priced them in to hit there card so i make notes & don't make the same mistake & other times the cards play themselves thats poker
At the end of the day the worse thing you can do is carry your negatives over to your next hand over the course of the year i would say the varience works out more for the skill player than the lucky one
this is just my opinion
All in space of 5 hands
Me AJ villian A10 board x x x x 10
Me AK villain AQ board x x x x Q
Me A9 (short stacked) Villian KK All in on board of A 5 6 villain shows KK Turn card a K !!!
Is live poker fixed?
Players should have the right to flop top pair or a set, then slow play them, without us fish realising that we are being given the odds to call with our stupid straight and flush draws.
25% of their stack in on a reraise. Got to ask yourself what sort of hand
are they likely to do that with?