Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Tonights show with Champion and Giddins and Micky Hazard
Do you remember some time ago when the above mentioned ex professional footie player was proverbally beaten to a pulp by MIss Champion heads-up as part of his Sportsstar challenge ?
Well he was so insensed that he demanded to meet this Champion in person, he could nt believe his heads-up skills could be obliterated by a human being quite so easily.
Tonight is the night that the two shall meet, Micky is Skypoker's guest this evening so please fire off some World cup related questions that we can put to him. Pokerwise he will start in the 8.30 pm bounty hunter and depending on how he does a combo of sng's and other games later on.
See you 8pm ch.865, we shall also sim with ss4 from ten.
0 ·
Hand History #266548343 (20:12 17/06/2010
How could he possibly re-raise me all in with 4s? And then hit me with a river like that?
Forget value town I've been living in bad beat city all week and am sick of it. (ok that wasn't so much a bad beat as a cruel river but I've had more than my share this week).
Hand id. 266556611
And you can still win yourself a seat the tournament, all you need to do i sget your posts and emails coming in....the best of the bunch will be selected at the end of the show, and will be announced here.
What are you waiting for???
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Ms Champion herself has selected....
as her spot prize winners.
Congratulations, you have both won entry into tomorrows Take On Tikay tournament.
Best of luck.