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What's with the name?

edited June 2010 in The Shed
ok...I have been asked about my silly name and this is my reply below:

My alias on other poker sites was BuddyBanana but I chose BananaDog for this one but same thing really.
My Golden Retriever is called Buddy and when he was a puppy he started having seizures (he's grown out of them now) but at the time I heard just before a seizure their blood sugar drops and they get shakey, so at the first sign of him being more wierd than normal I used to feed him loads of bananas and honey to raise his blood sugar quick!
Anyhoo.....he became addicted to bananas hense the name 'Banana Dog / Buddy Banana' - he now also responds to the name Banana but I get funny looks if I stand in the middle of the field screaming "WHERE ARE YOU BANANA!!!!" boys and girls "WHAT'S WITH THE NAME?" tell us the stories behind your usernames :o)
ps...NoseyBonk, I'm eargely waiting for your explanation since you bought this subject up!!! lol


  • edited June 2010

    I wanted something really daft so I chose the name of the somewhat creepy (nowadays) character from 80's children's TV show 'Jigsaw'. I used to love that show but as a child I never realised just how creepy it was lol - a clip

  • edited June 2010

    Haha great link Noseybonk - I love big nose gags - has anyone on here got a big nose??

    I named myself after the great Tom 'Durrrrrrrrrr' Dwan :)

    John 'DOHHHHHHH' Joe - I will be better than him 1 day tho (been saying that for alot of days now!!!)
    Dam drunken spews! grrr

    Great thread, I cant wait to hear dylans explanation!!!
  • edited June 2010
    It's my hairstyle.

  • edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: What's with the name?:
    I wanted something really daft so I chose the name of the somewhat creepy (nowadays) character from 80's children's TV show 'Jigsaw'. I used to love that show but as a child I never realised just how creepy it was lol - a clip
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    omg that has to be the scariest thing I have ever seen!!!!!
    I'm gonna have nightmares tonight! Thanks for that!!!!
  • edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: What's with the name?:
    In Response to Re: What's with the name? : omg that has to be the scariest thing I have ever seen!!!!! I'm gonna have nightmares tonight! Thanks for that!!!!
    Posted by BananaDog
    LOL ... and that was children's entertainment back then!
  • edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: What's with the name?:
    In Response to Re: What's with the name? : LOL ... and that was children's entertainment back then!
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    It looks horific! I grew up with Rainbow, Smoo, ScoobyDoo, Count Duckula and Dangermouse!
    Oh I miss Dangermouse :(
  • edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: What's with the name?:
    In Response to Re: What's with the name? : It looks horific! I grew up with Rainbow, Smoo, ScoobyDoo, Count Duckula and Dangermouse! Oh I miss Dangermouse :(
    Posted by BananaDog
    How could you miss batfink out?
  • edited June 2010
    Mine is simply down to being a big fan of Kevin Smith's films, in particular the Jay & silent Bob ones. I suppose I should have really chosen Jay as my name is Jason but silent Bob is a bit more like me (in almost every way except he's got facial hair!)

  • edited June 2010
    as my name is Laurie it sometimes gets shortened to Loz.
    when i was with my ex all i would normally hear is...
    Loz go....get this!!
    Loz go...get that!!
    Loz go...away!!
    so i thought that as i've heard it so often (no longer though. hehe). i would combine the two. therefore Lozgo!!
  • edited June 2010
    In Response to Re: What's with the name?:
    In Response to Re: What's with the name? : How could you miss batfink out?
    Posted by 35suited
    omg of course!..."I'll blast you with my super sonic sonar radar!" hehehehe
  • edited June 2010
    My alias was a nickname given to me by the lads i worked with years ago when i used to be a guinea pig for a drug trials company in Leeds. They even made me a number plate for my office door!

    The 64 is just my year of birth.
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