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I'm having a baby? I'll be home for tea!
Its just like popping round to see an old auntie, doing a few sudoku puzzles when she falls asleep, then having a poo.
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i do hope no women read your post or you might be in for a slap for the last few comments!!
congrats also to the rest of your family!
I must say that everything is super quick now also...I had my 1st on my 20th Birthday at home...the midwifes went within an hour and the doctor was due later in the day to pop around and check us.
Well I had him at 10am and no-one had slept so hubby and baby went to sleep but I was sooooooo exited I couldnt! Anyhoo...I decided to pop to the shop at the bottom of the road 2 hours later!
No-one told me as a young mum to rest...I live at the top of a very steep hill and once I'd been to the shop and bragged about my sweet new baby I started back up the this time hubby didnt even know I'd popped out for a pint of milk! A nice lady ended up helping me back up the hill once the pain set in!
If this is your daughters first baby just make sure she doesnt overdo it just because they let you out early! lol
Congrats again
8lb 2 oz
eyes - closed
features - face, head, 2 arms, 2 legs
healthy - yep
Name - Nikkita
Congratulations Loony.
Women make such a meal of child birth, apparently its supposed to sting abit? - Has it got easier or something??
Surely they shud refuse to give drugs to any teenager during childbirth - that make 14 yr olds think twice before serving it up to anyone.
Thats one for smiler along with the death penalty!
No mercy
With my first child, it was 2 weeks before due date, and I was goin to the pub to play poker. My missus said, dont get hammered, I could go into labour at any time. Ok, I said, knowing full well she wouldnt go into labour that night as all first pregnancies go over the due date, but I was just re assuring her, I`m nice like that.
Got home around midnight and had a right taste for it then, started soldiering through my 12 cans in the fridge, then at half 2, missus waters broke, uh oh, im steamin and she is in labour. At 4am, Im drivinmg to the hospital. Get there, and its like walkin into a horror film. Screaming everywhere. Didnrt need that in my state of mind. About half five, I start feelin real sick. I told the midwife and she said ` oh shut up`, im being serious, the cheek. Anyway couple hours later, she has a healthy girl, all`s good.
Obv, missus wasnt very happy, so for the next one, I promised I wouldnt touch a drop ( well wouldnt go over drink drive limit ) for 4 weeks before due date.
So, the night before the 4 week cut off, I get absolutely trashed coz i know I have a long dry stint ahead, this was new territory for me and it scared me. Two days later, she goes into labour, and she has a bouncing baby boy, who actually was the biggest baby on the ward, even tho he was 4 weeks early.
So, basically, I had to give up drinking for ONE WHOLE DAY............God I run good