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Satellite issue

 I am fairly new to sky poker so i do not no what the view on my bounty hunter satellite experience is so here goes ,  11 players 2 get seats other money back blinds 200/400  i had 12,900 other 2 had roughly 7,000 - 5,100 lost connection for 2--4 Min's when got back  had 800 chips came 3rd other 2 said thanks , is this the norm  for the site


  • edited July 2010
    change the title m8 cuz it will get deleted. then we can all debate it.
    its dog eat dog in sats if you lost connection most people will just take your chips,not very nice but thats the way it goes
  • edited July 2010
    There have been instances where players have folded when another player disconnects. Unfortunately what happened to you isn't at all unusual. It's very unlucky for you but you can't really blame the other players for continuing with the game.

    Them saying ty to you was a bit cruel though and there was no need for it.

    It's very unlucky and unfortunate but it does happen. Better luck next time.

    oh...... and change the title otherwise it will disappear.
    edit - Drat but you're quick Stokey
  • edited July 2010

    Why wouldn't you do it if you were 1 of them 2 guys?

  • edited July 2010
    Connection problems are a real pain in the backside but c'est la vie.

    Can't blame the other 2 for stealing really.

    Try to see the funny side of it Re; the banter from the other 2 players.
  • edited July 2010
    In Response to Satellite issue:
     I am fairly new to sky poker so i do not no what the view on my bounty hunter satellite experience is so here goes ,  11 players 2 get seats other money back blinds 200/400  i had 12,900 other 2 had roughly 7,000 - 5,100 lost connection for 2--4 Min's when got back  had 800 chips came 3rd other 2 said thanks , is this the norm  for the site
    Posted by youghalboy
    well i for one know if someone is having connection probs i will actually in good sportsmanship slow the play down giving that person a chance to get back in and play the game as everyone is in to play from start till finish or if i think there away to ladder then ill carry the game on as normall as it is there choice to sitout so i hope u find the cause to your dissconection as its a cruel way to go out of any tourney 

       gl on the tables 

  • edited July 2010
    how do you identify someone trying to ladder and someone who is disconnected?

    it is one of those things that happens to us all eventually.

    i paid £33 for the primo about 6 weeks ago and within 10 minutes there was a power cut in my area, what can you do?
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